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Subject: {Curled around the pup for warmth}

Silver Whim
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Date Posted: 01:34:23 01/25/03 Sat
Author Host/IP: adsl-156-170-140.jan.bellsouth.net/
In reply to: ·::· 's message, "::The Pure::" on 00:18:07 01/25/03 Sat

{The young princess knew not of what else to do. She hadn't wanted the other creature to leave, but it was to late for that. Hopefully she would find her mother soon. She looked sky ward worriedly, her mother had promised that Poe would be near whenever he was needed. Where was that blasted bird? She looked down to the angel like pup, wondering why she had been dealt such a rotten hand. She scented the air to ensure that the human's weren't near and she waited for the other to return, hopefully with her mother. She wasn't doing a good job, her orders where to tend Camelot while the Queen was away, she hadn't done one thing right. She growled at herself and lay her head down, ears perked, awaiting word of some sort. The snow was cold beneath her but she couldn't feel it becuase of her thick coat, but she knew the other must be cold. She allowed the pup to stuggle into her for warmth, as her mother had always done for her. She licked the top of the pup's head removed some drifted snow}

(Gosh! It's like...way late! Or is it early....? 3:33am...what do you think? Sorry for grammer errors or the like)

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::Innocent..To..The..Hatred..Of..The..World::·::·16:21:38 01/25/03 Sat

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