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Subject: {The Daughter of the Queen}

Silver Whim
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Date Posted: 16:49:27 02/12/03 Wed
Author Host/IP: spider-tl052.proxy.aol.com/
In reply to: Red Storm 's message, "+Battle to the end+" on 17:14:23 02/09/03 Sun

{She too was a pup that had been forced to grow up. But she didn't mind. She took honor in the fact that she was a princess to a kingdom as glorious as Camelot. She peered over her shoulder at the looming struture of the castle. It was well guarded, well protected. There was so much magic in the air, one could never be sure if the scent had drifted him into a sleep, or all this was really happening. The ones who resided behind the gate knew better, they had learned quickly. Everything in Camelot was peaceful, now more then any. The Queen was getting married....It was wonderful news. The female lowered her head to a simply nod as she neared. She admired the other's strenght and courage, before speaking. Hello there. She gave a light smile, I'm Silver Whim...and indeed you are welcome. You seem wary...are you alright?}

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/Storm's coming\Black Storm (I changed my name)17:12:54 02/22/03 Sat

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