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Subject: ·::*!*Humans*!*::·

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Date Posted: 05:42:01 01/18/03 Sat
Author Host/IP: 38-100-186-64.tkj.aptalaska.net/

::The earsplitting sound of a rifle being fired breaks the peace and phlegmaticness o' thee land.a shrill yelp pronounces the news that a lupine had indeed been hit.soon after thy disturbance a large gray canis lupus staggers in,carrying a bundle o' dark fur in its parted rims.gingerly it lowers thee thing to the ground, the sound o' hounds baying out the call as they once again caught the scent o' thee wolfess.in distress the dame licks the small beast, whatever it was, then stumbles away, thee crimson liquid o' life spewing fro' her shoulder.soon onto the set comes the hounds, yelping, grunting, whining eagerly, snarling, and howling after the wolf that had passed, taking nay heed to the scent o' another.they pass by, but within moments, still the whole land in hysteric fits and panic, three hunters come galloping in upon the backs o' three majestic equines, speeding after thee dogs in such a hurry they barely notice anything else.after silnce had once more settled upon thy realm, and thee hunt appeared to be o'er, thee feeble form moves, but asthough unconciously, thee beating organ moving just barely. you could tell that thee bairn o' thee dead lupine was one o' faraway royalty and she looked asthough she should be in thee deserts o' africa, for it she nay ahd fur, nor looked like a mammale, thy damsel may have been mistaken for a desert rose. a weak, yet noble yip is placed out for any to hear as thee nymph's vision is gained but slightly, before slipping away, back into the hat'd darkness o' unconciousness.

I just figured that I would add a little bit o' drama.and not anybody can adopt this very young wolfess, although she is quite helpless.she will grow up to be one whom is special, but in what way, nay can I tell you as o' yet...Anyhow.Her's her stats unless I change them:

Alias . none as of yet

Genre . nove

Blood . canis lupus

Survival . eight weeks

Hue . ebony as of now, but that is normal for a pup. she will grow out o' this stage and will be an ivory lupine with russet orbs.

Stature . she will be petite for an adult.

Persona . Too young to tell anything other than thee fact that she belongs to royalty.

Ancestry . African Desert Wolf(that's is where her ancestors were sent when few o' them were tamed for thee kings, queens, princes, princesses, dukes, and ladies o' arabia, eqypt,and africa and were bred, until her mother, whilst pregnant, was kidnapped, released here for a monthm had her, then was hunted to kill).

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+enters 'pon the terra to find the young'n+Wonder07:22:46 01/18/03 Sat

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