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Subject: {It's only a whim}

Silver Whim
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Date Posted: 12:29:36 03/11/03 Tue
Author Host/IP: cache-rk03.proxy.aol.com/
In reply to: Riere 's message, "Puts his head back down on his paws" on 16:55:50 03/09/03 Sun

{Angelic female reappeared in time. It had taken her much longer then she had guessed to spot and capture a rabbit. She panted slightly as she trotted forth, all the time her ears and eyes searching. She spotted him roosted in the same spot, and checking to see she wasn’t being followed, neared him. Before him she dropped the dead rabbit, eyes open, mouth clenched. She eyed him to ensure his safety. ‘I see you had no trouble’ She spoke with a hint of gladness. ‘Anyway, eat and regain the strength you once possessed so that you may find your sibling’ She herself had many adopted siblings. She and easily 20 others had been stolen from light packs and taken to the Black Magic Wolf terrain, where they were sacrificed and brought back from the dead to serve as slaves to the evils. But somehow Queen Kosses had fooled them into believing that she was evil. They graced her with the chance to take 13 of the pups as slaves. Kosses chose wisely, knowing she could only save a few. Silver Whim herself was one of the ones chosen to live. She thanked Kosses greatly for her life, it was all this female’s doing that she wasn’t dead now. Silver Whim was very young at the time, but she understood better then the others what great deed the Queen had done. At the time though, the world was crisp and new and this land wasn’t claimed. Those were the years before Kosses was Queen, and she had acted out of heart...not bravery or to prove her-self or because it was her duty. But she had, she proved just the kind od heart she had. Grin crept unknowingly upon her lips as she thought about that day not long ago. After Kosses had got them away from the lands it had been a tough battle, one which Kosses took head long. She fought daily for the lives of the pups, never once second guessing what needed to be done. But finally, the storm had blown over and the evils realized the truth. They would never touch the pups again. That is when Kosses became their mother, caring and loving them as only a mother can. The group had become a family. And from that day one, so far, nothing else had darkened their path. Now, the female knew this love wouldn’t last forever, but she was determined to make it last just till tomorrow. But tomorrow never came, and so the female kept on trying. }

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Thank youRiere12:08:54 03/12/03 Wed

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