Subject: : True of Heart : Free of Spirit : |
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Date Posted: 18:57:56 03/11/03 Tue
Author Host/IP: In reply to:
Silver Whim
's message, "{Whim, a Silver Whim}" on 12:51:33 03/11/03 Tue
((OOC: *beams* Thanks!! lol, weird, my name's Lauren too! :) If ya wanna make a pic for him, Go for it! He's mottled brown, no white, green eyes.
o, and btw, what does your wolf look like? I was guessing white, but I didn't kno..))
The mottled wolf stood for a second, green eyes cast back to the glory of old times, as he gazed at the majestic castle, twilight tipped it's peaked towers, before returning to the wolfess in front of him, his jeweled emeralds also catching the last rays of day, the warmth over flowing into a true smile that finally broke from his maw, as he partially gazed down, a bit shy once again.
The white of the snow stood out stark against his dark fur, and he comtemplated it for awhile, trying once again, unsuccesfully for something to say. A few notions popped into his mind, yet they were all discarded, and tossed aside. He gave a grateful breath, as once again, the vixen saved him from stupidity.
He listened to her words, and graciously accepted them.
"I think I shall, friends are one thing you can never have too much of."
He thinks a second, before gazing back to her.
"Might I consider you a friend of mine? My first friend at...Camelot?"
Chuckling lightly, he took a simple step to the side, almost mockingly, yet as serious as could be, bowing his head down, and backing away, leaving a path to the castle before her. Green eyes looked up from under the brown 'hoods, and he gave her a roug-ish smile, a light tilt to his words, his accent strong.
"After you M'Lady..."
Standing up, he moved to a quick trot to catch up to her, then slowed down, even with her. His steps were almost lazy, yet they had that jaunt to them, proclaiming him an optimist. Walking along beside her, he slightly turned his head, watching her, before looking once more ahead, to the castle gates, and what mysteries lay behind them....
I am a wanderer
True of heart
Free of spirit
I reside where the wind takes me
Open plains, depthful seas
Rocky mountains, deep ravines
This glory has lasted too long
This happiness is ending
I have wandered too far
My soul needs a home
It has been lost too long
My body needs a rest
It has been beaten too far
My heart needs love
It's been alone too long
Too far
Too long
Too far
Too long
Pity me not
Take me in
Don't regret
Take a chance
Listen to your heart
Open your mind
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