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Maggie is sick again today..this is about the 5th time since Christmas that a fever and sore throat has got her down. I don't see how she's keeping up with her school work, but she is. I'm calling the doc again this morning..I get so worried about her. She's eating good and getting her rest and taking vitamins, but every 3 weeks or so this bug hits her and she misses school. I'm sick of it! I know she is too!
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..well hope you have a great day...see ya later Patti
's message, "Morning M's Laura...I'm so mad at my self..I forgot to get Kim to tape Brittanys cheerleading that was on Fox Sports cable channel and I didn't know the time either until Yesterday at work when I was reading the Newpaper and looking at the tvguide there and it was on Yesterday at 3pm...Dah why so I think everyone was at work at that time I know I was..well maybe the next time or if Michele or anyone of the team members taped it I'll get to view it then.. So whats happening today..?? all I know its the end of the Week for me as I'm off I can play more" on 06:24:21 03/06/03 Thu
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