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Subject: My sister's home exam

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Date Posted: Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 07:35: pm

When I was 11 and my sister was 9 I remember her one time getting her temperature rectally by our family doctor at

home. The family doctor always took our temperatures rectally. He was in his late 50s early 60s so he had some

interesting methods. My sister was on the couch with my mother sitting not far from her while the doctor was checking

her up. She was sick with a throat infection. I wanted to be in the room to watch but was hiding behind the curtains

so no one could see me. Anyway the doctor checked my sister while she had only her jeans on. Her top was off. After a

few minutes of checking her he told her that he needed to take her temperature. She was reluctant at first but pulled

down her jeans and panties and lay on the couch, hands and knees with her butt sticking up. That was the way we

always got our tempertures taken by him.I could not see much as she was sideways to me. The doctor looked at her butt

for a moment or two, put something on his finger and seemed to touch her on her rectum. He then shook a rectal

thermometer and inserted it in. The look on my sisters face was priceless. A little while later he removed the

thermometer, wiped her butt since she was already naked he told her she would get a shot. This scared her but after a

lot of coaxing she lie on her stomach while the doctor gave her the injection. After he told her she could pull her

pants back up and put on her shirt. All the while my mother was looking at everything from just behind the doctor. It

would be a few months later that we would start our own rectal temperature playing.

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[> Subject: Re: My sister's home exam

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Date Posted: Sunday, February 10, 2013, 04:15: pm

Please tell us the details about the temperature play with your sister.

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[> [> Subject: Re: My sister's home exam

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Date Posted: Tuesday, June 18, 2013, 09:40: pm

My sister and I started taking each others temperature after her best friend at the time suggested we try it. They had tried to wrestle me to the ground and pull my pants down but that never worked as I was too strong from them. I finally gave in and took a pen, basically told them that if I could take their temps first using this pen then I would let them play doctor with me as the patient.. My sister, to my surprise, agreed and was soon on the couch (we had a small "play/family room" in the basement that no one used), with her pants down and on her hands and knees. Her friend was extremely curious and she and I sat in front of my sisters bottom while I slowly pushed the pen into her rectum. I never heard so much giggling in my life as I moved the pen around. I finally took it out and motioned my sister's friend to take the same position. I spread her butt checks and rubbered her anus for a few moments before inserting another pen into it. Again there was a lot of giggling. After a few minutes of the pen being inside I took it out and prepared to recieve the same treatment. Both girls wanted me to pull my pants down in front of them so they could see my penis. So I gave them the show they wanted. I assumed the position on the couch just as they had earlier. With my sister sitting beside me on the couch and her friend behind staring as my naked butt my sister slowly spread my cheeks to give the best view of my butt hole to her friend. Again they were giggling. What I did not expect was that after a bit of time being on display with my spread wide open cheeks my sisters friend thrust her finger all the way up my butt. I did not expect this and jumped. They wanted to see my erection. I wasn't too happy but it felt surpisingly good. I took off the rest of my clothing while they examined me paying attention to below the waist. Needless to say if my parents would have come downstairs into the room we would have been in trouble. We played doctor many times with one of us as the doctor, nurse and of course the patient. My mother was a regestered nurse at the time so we had access to some instruments such as rectal thermometers. The Glass ones that we used were the most fun as they were quite long and we would partice taking each other temperature in various positions. On the back with the legs up to the chin, on the fetal position, hand and knees butt sticking up, lying down on the stomach and lying with you but up on the back of the couch letting your legs fall foward. We really enjoyed this experience.

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[> Subject: Re: My sister's home exam

marisa (happy)
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Date Posted: Saturday, August 10, 2013, 10:39: am

can you take my temp rectal please?

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[> [> Subject: Re: My sister's home exam

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Date Posted: Monday, August 12, 2013, 09:38: am

no problem, i can help you with taking your rectal temp

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