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Subject: Rectal temp in Norway and secret surveillance of children

Knut Holt
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Date Posted: Tuesday, January 24, 2017, 05:52: am

I responded to this conversation, but the thread had been moved to the archive, so I copy the whole conversation with my new responce.


When I was child I was often ill from influenza. When I got ill, my parents used to take my temperature rectally, and if I had a fever, they called the doctor.

The doctor, when coming, would ask my parents if I had fever, and what was the measured temperature. But I cannot remember that the doctor himself took the temperature or examined my bottom at home visits.

In the latest years the development has taken an interesting switch.

Still parents take the temperature, and still often rectally. However, many parents do not dear to take rectal temperature because they fear to be accused of sexual abuse, even though taking rectal temp is not illegal in Norway. In my country parents are terrorized by the child protective agencies that tend to accuse parents for sexual abuse for any reason thay can come up with in their head.

But nowadays the doctor will nearly always take the temperature of the child when coming to visit, and always rectally, at least if the child is up to 12 years. He will do it even though the parents has taken the temperature and can tell it.

And also by office visits this happens, and the doctor prefere to take the temperature himself and not let the nurse do it.

I think the reason for this is the following:

- Norwagian doctors steadily less trust parents and feel they must check the temperature by themselves.

- If the child looks more feverish than the reported tempersture indicatee, there is also a rational reason for retaking the temperature.

- They take the temperature opportunity to check the rectal (and sometimes genital) regions for symptoms that might give a more secure diagnosis. Some serious diseases, like meningitis and other serious conditions can give early symptoms anywhear.

- They look at the rectal region for signs of sexual abuse, and have been secretly instructed to do so by the authorities. And they teke the opportunity to get a furtive glance of the genital zone for the same reason.


Yes, there are those who would immediately accuse a parent or caregiver of sexually abusing a minor by taking their rectal temperature. If rectal temperatures were not to be taken, then no doubt here in the states, legislation would be proposed.

The reality is this: If you're a parent and neglected to obtain your child's body temperature (rectal route-either by necessity, condition or your preference as a parent(s)) and the child, later had to be brought to an ER for treatment that earlier might have thwarted a bacterial of life threatening condition, based on a rectal measurement, you as a parent, might well be charged with child endangerment or neglect.

Whether a parent chooses to take their children's temperatures by ear, mouth, rectum or swipe, it is their decision, and it is their child they are caring for.

My biggest fear is that governments (mostly politicians, but medical people too, who have certain questionable agendas) at all levels here are chomping at the bit to tell you what is best for you or your children or even elder parents if applicable, medically as opposed to your intuition and the recommendations and suggestions of your, your elder parents or your child's physician.


I remember well from my earliest childhood. Originally my parents took my temperature under my shoulders. But at a doctor visit, for otitis actually, the doctor let me lay on mu side with legs flexet up, pulled down my pants, and inserted something into my anus.

I think this was my forst rectal temp ever. But it might have been some kind of other rectal exam, because he held the thing inside very long, and so far inside that i felt strenge things more deeply, and I did not see the instrument he used. But it dif not hurt, only felt very strange.

After that my parents allways took my temperature rectally, apparently after instruction from the doctor.

But I also had the impression that they were instructed to look for signs of health problems or signs of development status and report to the doctor.

In either case, there were periods when my parents were very eager to take my temp and check my rectal area, and confere with the doctor about something. Usually they also checked my scrotum and my hip joints.

This pattern continued after i begun school. Frequent rectal temp, often with the excuse that I might have some beginning throut infection and with added palparion of my hip hoints and sceotum. And afterwards my father went to the school and confered with some authorities there.

In my prepubertal age they added a check of my penis and urethral opening too. Often they checked me when I was sleeping. Sometimes I wake up, recogized what they were doing, but was so tired that I did not care and fell in sleep again. I even wonder of they even had given me some sedative mnedisine in my tea those evenings.

But I conclude that they had been instructed to look for something and give frequent reports to the health authorities.

Knut Holt

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