jean the frenchie
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Date Posted: Wednesday, February 23, 2022, 12:02: pm
Since like some of you, most of my shots were in the buttocks when I was a boy and teenager and even in the army for military service, while on the reverse after being an adult, all were done in arms or shoulders,I believe that there was logical reasons to proceed like that, it was not just a will to humiliate boys.And it was also a common use kind of tradition at that time.
May be it was easier and less harmful, and at that time you must consider that very few persons minded about the nudity of the buttocks of boys, even at high school for mandatory physical examinations it was the rule in most of boys only schools to be naked and it was logical, since at 18 age you were summoned for a naked physical examination in group in front of the draft board commission composed of a dozen of persons who were mostly civilian persons and you had to parade naked in front of them to let them assess your fitness to military service and watch the military doctor perform in front of them a complete examination of your naked body and you stayed naked in line for more than an hour, sometimes two or more...
So I am not surprised that some of you were naked at the doctor office for school examination at sixteen. In understand well that in a small town, it could be embarassing since the nurses were all friends of your mother or girls just a few years older than you and who knew you from school and could call you by your first name.
and of course it was worst if the doctor was a woman and the last doctor who was a woman did a lot of school and sport exams since she had not enough patients. Embarrassing but logical.
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