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Subject: Re: The Enema and Suppository board is history

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Date Posted: Monday, May 27, 2024, 08:21: am
In reply to: Deputy Dog 's message, "The Enema and Suppository board is history" on Wednesday, March 20, 2024, 04:26: pm

Although a different subject area, all the 'non-sexual nudity' boards have been deleted as well.

They're cracking down on sexual things related to minors. And let's face it, most of what was posted there, and is posted here is fantasy; thus it's inappropriate when it involves children.

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[> [> Subject: Re: The Enema and Suppository board is history

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Date Posted: Monday, May 27, 2024, 04:33: pm

I’ll disagree with you. Yes, i do agree with VOY probably deleted “E&S” for sexual things related to minors but let’s face the reality that I disagree with you, the posts were not fantasy. Majority if not all the people who posted on that site received enemas as children anyway, i posted on “E&S” over 20 years and shared my upbringing on enemas as therapy for me. It was great to find others who had similar stories. I will say that close to the end of the forum, current stories were being posted of children receiving enemas in real time from parents who received enemas as children and are now giving enemas to their children. If that was the reason why the forum was taken down then free speech no longer exist. Many of those posts were for therapy reasons to allow the person who was posting to have a place to share their feelings and emotions.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: The Enema and Suppository board is history

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Date Posted: Saturday, June 01, 2024, 04:28: pm

Good news, bad news.
One of the good things about anonymous internet forums is one can be completely honest about their experiences, and probably find others with similar experiences.
One of the bad things is there's no accountability as to honesty.

I don't believe many of those posts. I don't think many people who had enemas as kids, which in this past generation were not many, continue to give enemas to their kids. Use of enemas is wayyy down. Use of suppositories is somewhat down.
Doctors rarely advise an enema anymore.

"Free speech" has never included freedom to post kiddy porn fantasy.
And free speech has to do with the government, not a private website like Voy.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: The Enema and Suppository board is history

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Date Posted: Sunday, June 02, 2024, 06:45: am

Thanks for replying,
All i can say and speak on honestly are my posts. They were real and not fantasy. I was able to write and express my emotions and feelings and be able to experience healing through writing. Many of the others may have been make believe but my writings were not. You are right, it is easy to hide behind a computer screen and write anonymously with no accountability. Im actually surprised some of these voy forums are even allowed because some I have came across are very abusive writings toward children but all of it could be made up.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: The Enema and Suppository board is history

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Date Posted: Saturday, June 15, 2024, 02:52: am

So sad that what started out as a free discussion forum (dealing with serious exchanges of ideas and personal experiences involving enemas) was slowly infiltrated and
finally hijacked by a variety of perverts and peadophiles!
I would agree that about 60% of the posts there were pure
fantasy, however I really believe (from the style of writing) that many others were genuine, especially those mothers who wrote in (genuinely concerned about the high cost of laxatives) and had kids with various potty problems.
My heart goes out to them and I tried to give useful advice where I could (based on experience with my own kids)
The use of enemas my be declining in the Western world, but in Africa, Asia and S.America there still seems to be a great demand for rubber bulbs,bags pumps and cans.
Maybe they have more old fashioned "common sense"?

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: The Enema and Suppository board is history

Carol A (Thanks Debby!)
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Date Posted: Sunday, June 16, 2024, 03:39: pm

Good comment!
I read a few of your comments.
You are right. Many thank you for giving useful advice.
Working part time in health food store I see more and more moms asking about the enema .
Many ask, and want to learn the coffee enema. Which is a good liver detoxing.
Often a mom ask if we sell the enema bulb. They are tired of buying expensive over the counter junk, giving harsh laxatives, Tylenol and so on.
Growing up in the 50s and 60s I remember the was given in most homes by moms.
My mom and aunt (nurse) gave enemas when needed.
I believe my health is better than most my age. Cause of getting enemas, good diet, no junk food and so on.
The enema was a bulb syringe enema. Given most of the time on a table. When younger was given across the lap way.
I given many enemas in my home and other homes.
In my 70s now…still teaching moms the benefits of the enema for the child.

Recently a single divorced mom was in the store asking about the enema. She had her 5 yo b in tow. She told me she wanted to give him an enema . I told her about the bulb, herbal enemas, even the old fashioned mild warm soapy water enema. She brought a 8 oz syringe and a bar of Made For Enema Soap.
I told her to call or visit if she had questions or needed help.
We have talked a few times. She told me gave him an enema and was thankful for my help.
And was going to give one when needed or at least once a month enema.
And blessings

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: The Enema and Suppository board is history

Carol A
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Date Posted: Sunday, June 16, 2024, 04:21: pm

Debby, you are right. The enema declined. Some say that’s due to a few reasons. Big Pharma pushing pills. If the mother gives an enema with the bulb, it can be used over and over. She only had to pay for the initial cost. Pills, laxatives and such are expensive. Seen the cost of over the counter junk lately?

Growing up an enema (mostly given on a table with the bulb) was given for helping with colds, flu, fever reduction..the constipated child.
Once a month the enema was given — regardless.

When the child was fussy, moody, fighting, crying for no reason..he was told he was going to get an enema.

Being 7 years older than my cousin I remember my cousin getting an enema when like that!
My aunt got the bulb out and gave him an enema on the table.

Always amazed me seeing his behavior change after he got an enema.

You are right about other countries Debby.
On a trip to Central America a few years ago to visit a friend, I remember her giving her two boys an enema.

It was no big deal. I saw the enema displayed in drug stores.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: The Enema and Suppository board is history

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Date Posted: Sunday, June 16, 2024, 05:04: pm

Carol A,
I can relate to your cousin who got the enema at 7 regarding fussy or moody behavior, mom called it grumpiness. I received enemas for that as well. After a good unless fight going over her lap and being cleaned out, i was wore out, tired, exhausted and empty, always nap time after an enema.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: The Enema and Suppository board is history

Carol A (Debby…helpful resources for enemas)
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Date Posted: Sunday, June 16, 2024, 06:00: pm

Debby, when talking with a mom about giving enemas… here are a few books/pages that may help:
-Prescription For Nutritional Healing. Every mom should have it in the home. Has instructions for preparing various enemas… herbal , lemon and other
-Back To Eden. Very good book . Good information about the enema
-The ABC Herbal Book. Very good enema instructions.

Page: Kristina and DeeDee there are great.

I have a few other …but, don’t want to over do it.

I also given useful advice…to help mostly the younger moms who want to learn this beneficial home healing to prepare the room, where best to give it, preparing the patient, preparing table or bed, what else needed (towel, Vaseline, thermometer…), how to relax the patient, types of enemas (like herbal enemas) mild soapy enema…) for different ills, cleaning the device, giving the enema, rest afterwards, and more.
I was given bulb enemas growing up. I gave my two bulb enemas.

AV: yes, when the child fighting, moody, crying, sluggish, not eating right, giving him an enema helps. Especially during die off.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: The Enema and Suppository board is history

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Date Posted: Monday, June 17, 2024, 02:47: pm

Thanks for those kind words Carol (and the info)
As I mentioned in one of my posts long ago,if you need to enema an older child (eg: over the age of 5) then I really believe the Higginson Pump is the nicest kindest way to go.
My kids told me they preferred getting enemaed in small doses cause it was easier to take, and thats just what the gentle pumping action provided. I still have one that belonged to my late mother (in perfect working order) very high quality with some kind of fabric woven into the rubber to prevent it from splitting. I don't think they make em like that anymore.
Unfortunately it seems those pumps are not easily available
except on-line ?

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: The Enema and Suppository board is history

Carol A
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Date Posted: Saturday, September 07, 2024, 03:57: pm

Debby, where did you buy yours at? The higginson syringe.

When I travel to Europe it is nice to know the enema is still given in the home.

Years ago the enema bulb was displayed in the store window. I saw them displayed in France, Spain and Germany.

They are hardly ever displayed now days. But still sold in the stores.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: The Enema and Suppository board is history

Sue mom divorced
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Date Posted: Monday, September 09, 2024, 02:03: pm

Debby, good comments made by you.

Yes giving the older child (over 5 or so) an enema with the Higginson syringe is much less traumatic tha giving the enema with the bucket or bag.

Growing up, and in my later years, saw mothers who were using the bulb syringe for giving him an enema.
Then one day she would bring the enema bag into the room , or have it hanging up. What a big change that was!

I saw this with my younger cousin and others. No introduction, slowly,to the bag from the small enema bulb.

It is, as you told, easier to take, and administer, the enema using the higginsion syringe.

Recently talked with a mom. She uses the higginson syringe for giving and taking enemas. She told me her two take the enema much better now.

Better hang on to the one you have. Sounds like good quality. Will be hard to find that one again!
You can buy them on line. A good source is from OHN.

She let me squeeze the in line bulb on it. Filled up kitchen sink with warm soapy water. Was easy squeezing the bulb. Can give easier enema.

Her oldest one used to fight, fussy and carry on when she gave him an enema. Since using to higginson syringe there is no more resisting the enema session.

I will be getting one!

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: The Enema and Suppository board is history

Sue N
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Date Posted: Friday, September 13, 2024, 12:50: pm

Debby, haven’t seen you on in a while. Hope all is ok.

Hope you come back and read on here. Leave comments again.

Been looking for a higginson syringe for my home. For my enemas and giving enemas to my two.
Agree with you, giving an enema to one over five it’s a good option to use .

Using a 6 oz enema bulb syringe for giving my two enemas now. I will buy a 8 oz syringe next year.

After reading your comment, and doing some research, I would like to start using the higginson syringe. But can only find on line. Wonder about the quality.

Where did you buy your higginson syringe at?

When you administer enemas with it do you give the enema on a table, bed, or across your lap way?

Cause wondering where you put the pan of enema solution at when giving the enema with it.

From what I read on line the solution is put in a pan or large bowl.
One end of the hose is placed into the solution.
Then the nozzle end is inserted into the patient. Then the mid line bulb is squeezed. Removing air before giving the enema.

The bulb enema is now given on a table or across my lap way.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: The Enema and Suppository board is history

Bonnie's Kid
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Date Posted: Friday, September 13, 2024, 11:04: pm

Sue N,

The Higginson Syringe is no longer available in most, if not all, retail stores. The online option may be about your only way to obtain one. They are not all that spendy on EBAY, Amazon, or possibly TEMU.

While most of the Higginson style have relatively short hoses, additional tubing can be attached along with the various different style nozzles or colon tubes. This would allow the source of the enema solution to be placed in a more convenient location and may help avoid spills. I attach mine inline with a combination syringe (hot water bottle) and don't worry about inadvertent spillage, especially if your patient may be inclined to move about or resist.

Some of us around here are very experienced with enemas and are willing to mentor, assist, or coach others who may have questions. I will reply to emails should you desire any further info.

Best wishes to all of you who frequent these sites!

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: The Enema and Suppository board is history

Carol A (Yes, higginson syringe is great!)
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Date Posted: Saturday, September 07, 2024, 03:47: pm

Debbie, sorry I missed your comment.
I think the higginson syringe is only sold on line now. Haven’t seen one in drugstore in years. In my early 70s now.

Last time I saw one used was years ago. When I was visiting a friend in Germany. She gave her two enemas with it. I should’ve gotten one then…but didn’t. She would prepare a pan of mild soapy water. Place it on the table. The one getting the enema was laying on the table. Was interesting seeing her squeeze the bulb (it is mid line on the hose).
It was very gentle. She held the nozzle in with one hand and squeezed the small bulb with the other hand.

I asked about it. She gave me two enema sessions with it. Laying on the bed on my side. Very gentle.

You can buy one at OHN.

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