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Subject: Re: What was your likes and dislikes going to a pediatrician

Bonnie's Kid
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Date Posted: Wednesday, October 16, 2024, 04:16: am
In reply to: Mike 's message, "What was your likes and dislikes going to a pediatrician" on Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 01:05: pm

Those economically depressed times were a significant influence in how medical and dental care was carried out during the 50's and 60's where I grew up. Glass thermometers were always sitting in containers at the doctor's and decaying teeth were extracted for a nominal fee at the dentist.

At home the enema bag was ever present and it was frequently hanging above the tub to dry due to frequent use. Once purchased, it only took a quart or two of water and maybe some soap to treat most any malady.

If our pediatrician came to the house, he always reminded mom to give me an enema and keep my bowels moving. Rectal temps were very common as were shots in the butt. If we went to his office, nurse Marge asked about our BM's and mom told her about the enemas she had to give us if we missed a BM.

I grew up hating our pediatrician.

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[> Subject: Re: What was your likes and dislikes going to a pediatrician

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Date Posted: Thursday, February 13, 2025, 01:56: am

In his office, glass thermometers were used and by default a temperature was taken rectally through the age of five years old and was taken in an area of the waiting room dedicated for that purpose. There were no visual areas between the area where temperatures were taken and the rest of the waiting room. At the age of six years old and beyond, patients were evaluated on reaching a level of intellectual maturity in order to have a temperature taken orally with a glass oral thermometer. Otherwise the patient continued to have a temperature rectally with a glass rectal thermometer. The vast majority were boys because it was thought that boys matured much slower than girls or the bar was raised for boys. Either way, it could be extremely embarrassing for an older boy being seen having his temperature taken in his rear end with a glass thermometer in that environment. I am sure those boys (and girls) dreaded going to that pediatrician but still hoping that this time they would have a temperature taken in the mouth with a glass thermometer.

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