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Subject: Doctors who currently do house calls, rectal remps. Enemas etc.

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Date Posted: Wednesday, October 30, 2024, 05:28: pm

Hi I was reading this forum and various others and was thinking wouldn't it be cool if we all came together to make a list of doctors who currently believe in/do one or all of the below

1. House calls
2. Rectal Temps
3. Enemas
4. Spanking
5. All of the above

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[> Subject: Re: Doctors who currently do house calls, rectal remps. Enemas etc.

Kitten Paw
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Date Posted: Monday, November 11, 2024, 11:36: am

Check, Check, Check, and sometimes Check. My mom is an RN. She works for a Naturopath/Chiropractor. Their clinic specializes in children that are not having regular BMs or have encopresis. The children that the xray shows are full of stool have to be enema cleaned out before treatment to make them have regular BMs starts. Mom says 9 out of 10 parents don't want to try the enemas. If they want to stay with the clinics treatment then they have to agree to enemas and it starts with the colon clean out with how many enemas are needed. They don't do the enemas at the clinic so mom goes to the home at least twice a week after work to clean some kid out. I'm a Freshman in high school. Last year mom let me start going with her because the older kids try to fight her. My first time was an 11 year old girl. She was pretty, smart, shy. She had been home schooled for I don't know how long because she refused to try to BM. She was in pull ups full time. She was very skinny and just looked like she was so miserable. She started holding in her BMs when she started school and they didn't break her of it. Mom and I went there with a game plan. My mom took the girl in the bathroom and put her on the toilet telling her she just wanted her to try to relax and give a BM. She had no idea she was going to get an enema. I got her bag ready with her first soap enema in the kitchen while mom was in the bathroom with her. Then I went in the bathroom, mom had the girl stand up and she put the toilet lid down and sat down and I grabbed the girl by her wrists and pulled her down over moms leg and mom clamped her in. Then her mom came in with the soap enema and we started the first enema. We did this because the mom told the Dr. that she had tried many times to just give her daughter a suppository and she was violent with her. We got the soap enema in her without any trouble. We were there for three hours with the rinse enemas. Mom doesn't charge a thing to do this. I tell her she is crazy to spend family time giving some kid enemas. She says if she can save one child from future horrible medical problems it is worth it. I like to go help give enemas but I don't like going because I get enemas too and I hate them. Always have.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Doctors who currently do house calls, rectal remps. Enemas etc.

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Date Posted: Tuesday, November 12, 2024, 12:16: pm

Kitten Paw,

Encopresis is such a hideous behavioral affliction that we allow our precious children fall prey to. A huge percent of children with impacted colon's and leaking by-pass stooling in diapers or pull ups started when they are about school age or even younger when they had a poop that was painful or embarrassing because others were watching. This is where the failure of the parent is so evident. When those first holding behaviors start the parent should know. If they monitor all stooling then they recognize a change in routine. At the very first sign of holing the child needs to be put on the toilet at least every other day if older or every day if very young and demand a poop, suppositories and enemas at the ready. The response will be fast and permanent every time. They will stop holding. Most children that hold and leading to encopresis are bright children, most are boys. Boys only have to sit on the toilet to poop so when someone sees them on the toilet at school they don't like it. Or in many cases with really young children they have a difficult and painful poop so in both cases the child decides they aren't ever going to poop again. You said the mom of that precious 11 year old girl you helped mom clean out knew that she started holding when started school and look at where she ended up at 11 years old. Suppository or enema at the very first sign a child is holding in their poop! Your mom is a hero Kitten Paw. She and you and the clinic's program will get her on the way to complete recovery. At her age it will be much harder to succeed but she will get there, please know that and you helped her to get started getting out of pull ups and constant accidents. I'm guessing your mom's clinic is using the bottom up approach to holding first championed by Dr. Collins. Every day the afflicted child gets two 3 minute chances on the toilet to poop with fifteen minute break in between each try. After second try and no poop they get a suppository. Fifteen minute break and two more 3 minute sits. If still no stooling they get an enema. Every day, same time, several chances and meds rectally to help if needed.

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[> Subject: Re: Doctors who currently do house calls, rectal remps. Enemas etc.

Farmer Westy
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Date Posted: Monday, November 11, 2024, 04:28: pm

I live in way outside a small town in the in the sticks and a middle age nurse practitioner that runs a childrens clinic still uses a glass thermometer to take temperatures and some kids where the cutoff age is 6 years old have it taken in the butt. I ought to know because my woman friend has a 8 year old boy has a that is weak in school learning and seen him and some like him get his temperature in his butt on a padded table when it is his turn to get his temperature taken. I do not think she would appreciate her name being put out there even though the town and people out here are behind the times about a lot of things.
He also get his temperature taken in his butt at home too. I've seen that happen every time at home when he goes into a coughing fit or his mother thinks he has a fever. If it happens while watching TV at home, she would wait for the commercial and get the special glass thermometer, wipes, and vasoline and the next thing you know he is laying over her lap with the glass thermometer parked in his butt while she watches the TV. Every few minutes she would pull it out, pretend to read it, and then stretch his cheeks open and back in again go in and happen every few minutes again until the next commercial. Most of the time anyway she take his temperature on his tummy on a fold down table with an exercise on top in the living room also. If the table is set up when I walk into the house, I know there will be an embarrassed boy who sooner or later by lying on his tummy with him pants pulled own with a glass thermometer in his butt and again every 2 or 3 hours where I am more than happy to fill in for his mom when it is time to take his temperature.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Doctors who currently do house calls, rectal remps. Enemas etc.

Sounds familiar
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Date Posted: Thursday, February 13, 2025, 01:38: am

I live in a remote, more populated area where moms and the doctors office still depend on the glass thermometer for taking temperatures. That includes rectal temps for certain, less capable kids who might be not quite ready for a temperature taken in the mouth due to age, maturity, lack of intellect, etc. The smell of alcohol hits you when you enter the door and into the waiting room and that activity being performed in an alcove adjacent to the waiting room.

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[> Subject: Re: Doctors who currently do house calls, rectal remps. Enemas etc.

Sue (UK)
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Date Posted: Thursday, November 14, 2024, 05:45: am

No medical professionals in my immediate family (least of all me), but Kitten Paw's story, with its description of tricking grabbing and restraining a patient, reminded me of those times years ago when I was giving enemas to a friend's daughters (with and without their mother's assistant), and reminded me of doing my second-cousin when she was very young. Butt have to I wonder aloud if her mother is solely motivated by health concerns - no punishment enemas (at home, and "unofficially" at the clinic)?

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