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Subject: Re: Babysitter and toileting help

Bonnie's Kid
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Date Posted: Tuesday, December 10, 2024, 06:11: pm
In reply to: Shelly 's message, "Re: Babysitter and toileting help" on Tuesday, December 10, 2024, 04:43: pm

I follow many of the discussions relative to the use of enemas for a variety of conditions. It appears that you (Shelley) are getting some great advice from others (Joyce & AV) who are concerned about you, your kids, and the Babysitter. Most of what I would offer would be redundant and repetitive.

I have posted before, that I always perceived those frequent enemas I got as a kid, were punitive in nature. I also had a great deal of resentment toward my pediatrician and his nurse Marge. I had been threatened with hospitalization to deal with my elimination and constipation issues. I may well have been a "holder" as others have posted about.

One thing that I learned as I got older, was that mom, grandma, and the doctor were merely trying to assist me through a trying time of my life. In hindsight, I believe they were pretty abrupt and gruff with me although they likely had very good intentions. I'm sure that my resistance and tantrums precipitated the spankings etc.

I believe I was a pretty smart kid and would likely have appreciated them explaining the procedures and desired outcomes with greater patience. I read many medical texts and had an understanding of the procedures but the adults didn't want any discussion regarding my concerns.

I did begin self administration at age 6. I believe it was more of a survival instinct although I did begin to discover some positive sensations and contention with the adults was often mitigated. I didn't need to lie any more about producing those daily BM's which were expected and often monitored. While my enema use was pretty secretive, I suspect that the adults had picked up on my efforts and they were less inclined to drag me into the bathroom and make me lie down in the cold tub.

Once grandma died, and the pediatrician retired, mom's efforts to give me enemas was diminished. I had reached puberty and the enemas I took had some very positive effects on my overall well being.

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Date Posted: Tuesday, December 10, 2024, 07:26: pm

Bonnie's Kid,

As you know I was a holder. Most holders are boys. And, get this, a huge percentage of holders are above average intelligence. What should this tell us? Because we aren't modeling pooping and peeing in front of our children to normalize it to them. Instead of just automatically voiding when feeling the urge like all animals do, they analyze it, think it through, decide there are things about it that they don't like, feel uncomfortable about. It may be from something like they had a hard painful poop. But they don't feel like they can tell mommy about it because she doesn't like to share or talk about her pooping. Shame on us. Normalize pooping parents! Model pooping parents! And if they need help the enema is right there, quick, effective, and instantly relieving. I'm going to tell babysitter tomorrow that I took an enema today. That I was up most of the night worrying about her and so upset that I needed something to calm me down. My stepmom's enemas always wore me out, maybe me exhausted, sleepy. When I was done getting my enemas back out I felt a sense of calm and relaxation. After we get past the part of her having to present naked to me so I can get the enema in her she can be alone on the toilet to release and start to feel that sense of exhaustion and tiredness and just feeling generally wore out and wanting to go to bed.

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