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Subject: Well Shelly:

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Date Posted: Monday, December 23, 2024, 11:01: am

You know you have some concerned supporters of your sitter and any updates from sunday’s enema sessions. Plus you have a little fellow that has entered into the enema world and seems to be needing some taming with the help of the sitter. What a reward for her to be a part plus maybe continue to give jr his enema. Hope things went ok. Christmas season is upon us. Busy busy.

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[> Subject: Re: Well Shelly:

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Date Posted: Monday, December 23, 2024, 01:12: pm

Hey AV,

Times are a crazy around here with school out and shopping and a 4 year old fighting his enemas and causing fights with his brother over them. Sunday's enemas went better for sitter in that she isn't having as many mini panic slash anxiety slash shortness of breath episodes during the enemas. We just had to do two large enemas Sunday. First a soapsuds enema and then a mild saline enema, over two quarts. She is coming to me every Wed. and Sun. having not had a poop since her last enemas. But yet with the suppository she has a very large bowel movement. That and with the stained underwear that she always comes in I feel she still fights off her rectum muscles trying to make her evacuate. I know at her age it is going to be a long long struggle to change her psyche that she does not need to be afraid of, disgusted by her body trying to get rid of waste. She is very quiet and still I know just not wanting enemas to be a part of her life right now but she is very obedient and tries to follow my direction so she can be done for the day. She does perk up when she is done and she gets to help with my boy's enemas. My oldest informed me Sat. that his sitter was going to give him his enemas going forward because she isn't mean when she gives enemas! Sitter and I have bruises or scrapes and scratches to show for our 4 year old's enemas. Sitter and I try not to giggle at him but it is hard. Like Kitten Paw says, "Them boys, they are drama queens and girls ain't got nothing on them".

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[> [> Subject: Re: Well Shelly:

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Date Posted: Monday, December 23, 2024, 05:18: pm

Your recaps crack me up. You know I am a specific and detailed person. You must love teasing me.
Give some details on what is happening with “causing fights with his brother over them.”
I am glad sitter is doing better. She is going to have to start daily sits even if it is early in the mornings to help train her body to go at that time every day. That is what I had to do. Daily sits.
Sounds like junior is accepting his enemas as long as sitter gives them. Ok. Whatever it takes as long as he takes a good enema and produces a good movement.
My main question of course would be how does jr2 react after the enemas are complete? He is held by the sitter over your knee and tries to resist and fight and says a few chosen words but loses the enema war. What is his reaction after all done? Does he go to his room and pout and hates you and the sitter for the day?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Well Shelly:

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Date Posted: Monday, December 23, 2024, 09:23: pm

When I was child, mom struggled with me as well with getting my clothes off. I was naked from the waist down when getting enemas. I put up a fight and struggle as she was trying to get me undressed. But mom did not mind swatting my bottom. She was old school. Once she got me over her lap, she didn’t mind continuing tearing my bottom up. Spanked me good.
But here is what I wanted to share with you. As I got older, 8-9-10-11, mom got smarter, yes, I still was a fighter, it was still a struggle getting me undressed, but what she started doing though was waiting for my evening bath when I was already nude and giving me the enema. No fighting to remove clothes.
I don’t know if you want to go that route in the future or not with jr2, but it will surely eliminate fighting to get his clothes removed. Of course bath time may be late though. But its an idea to keep in mind. However, doing what you are doing is letting him know he is going to lose the war. What is he going to do? Its a losing battle week after week for him. He thinks if he puts up a good struggle you are going to simply give up? Not going to happen. The suppository approach is a good idea if you don’t think he will ever poop on the floor or anywhere else but head toward the bathroom each time, then you could continue that. Hopefully however he will fall in line eventually and settle in for a nice warm enema. Junior is enjoying sitter giving him his enema and that is nice. So glad sitter gets to help. That is such therapy for her. She does however need to develop a daily sitting pattern for like 10-15 minutes to try to relax her colon and muscle to produce a bowel movement. It will take time but eventually her body will get the message and start going. Honestly, I have created a monster for myself because I taught my body to go between 6:30-7:30 in the morning and usually at around 7am, i feel the urge and start my sitting. Like clockwork I have to stop what I am doing to go. Hopefully sitter will get better. But you are doing the right thing with giving her enemas every wednesday and sunday.

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[> Subject: Re: Well Shelly:

Sue (UK)
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Date Posted: Thursday, December 26, 2024, 08:01: am

Sorry to be a downer but it's quite possible that the toilet-wars will never be won - speaking from experience. I never came to accept being "violated with" the enemas and suppositories (and soapy fingers and etc), neither did my sister, and neither have my daughter and second-cousin. Which is why we've had to resort to more desperate measures than my parents used to (controlling the girls with a little light "bondage")

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