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Subject: Re: enemas are abuse and I don't like them

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Date Posted: Sunday, February 16, 2025, 07:46: pm
In reply to: Kitten Paw 's message, "Re: enemas are abuse and I don't like them" on Sunday, February 16, 2025, 07:33: pm

I don't remember my first one do you? Why does your dad spank or did he stop yet? So do you rub yourself when you are getting your enema? I don't want my sisters to see me doing it. I only get hard for a minute then when I have to sit down on the pillow it is gone. My little sister was 4 when grandma put her on the enema pillow for the first time. I could hear her in there screaming and crying and grandpa was in there to help get her on the pillow. When we were little we were in our highchair and strapped in so we couldn't get out. The turn off knob is always pointed to the back of the chair so we can't turn it on or off. Yes grandma has the knob turned way down so it takes a half hour for the enema to stop going in us and then we can get on the toilet because somebody is done. If they aren't done they run to grandmas bathroom to finish.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: enemas are abuse and I don't like them

Kitten Paw
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Date Posted: Sunday, February 16, 2025, 07:59: pm

I do not. Probably around four or five. I get some rubbing done while mom is getting my enema and her supplies ready but when she comes in and gives me my enema I don't. I could. She wouldn't mind but I just don't. Just focusing on taking my enema at that time to get it over with so I can get on the toilet and then I do rub again while getting it out. Yes I get corner time with pants and underwear down and then spanked and if I really pissed him off he tells mom to give me an enema too. Whew! That is fascinating. Strapped in your highchair at four years old sitting on an enema pillow. That is wild! So does grandma always do you three in the same order? Youngest girl first and then she is on the toilet while you get your enema and then big sister comes in and watches you on the toilet while she is getting her enema. Or does she spice things up a little and change the order around? I'm going to bet she changes the order from time to time.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: enemas are abuse and I don't like them

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Date Posted: Sunday, February 16, 2025, 08:06: pm

Our little sister usually goes first then me but not always. I'm sorry you get spankings now. That is awful. I guess I'm lucky I don't get spankings to. I'm just really stressing right now and wanted to talk about it because we just got home a couple of hours ago from being at grandmas for the weekend.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: enemas are abuse and I don't like them

Kitten Paw
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Date Posted: Sunday, February 16, 2025, 08:08: pm

It's okay. It's just a spanking. It's just an enema. Grandma isn't cutting two of your fingers off. Be a big boy and deal with it.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: enemas are abuse and I don't like them

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Date Posted: Sunday, February 16, 2025, 08:11: pm

Ok, I will. Just don't like them.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: enemas are abuse and I don't like them

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Date Posted: Monday, February 17, 2025, 12:52: am

Hi RB,

If your 15 year old sister still gets Grandma's enemas then you are in for several more years as well. Probably until you turn 18. Then you can say no more. It's not a bad thing that you get cleaned out at least once a month as it appears from what you said about going to Grandma's monthly. I would say that at 12 years old now you should be afforded some privacy. I'm sure you have asked her to not have your enema while your sister's are in the bathroom also. She should let you have your enema in her bathroom as you stated she has one. But I understand where she is coming from also. She has three children to clean out which with the half hour sitting getting the enema and then about an hour to get your enemas back out on the toilet she is just trying to compact it so she isn't spending half of her day giving the three of you your enemas. She has other things to do also. She could easily spend four of five hours getting all three of you your enemas while working it in with the other things she has to do. She compacts and has one of you on the toilet while another is getting their enema. If you are 12 and you got your first sit on the pillow when you were four or five also then you and your older sister have been in the bathroom together for eight years doing your poo. Like Kitten Paw says, "be a big boy and just get your enema over with and move on".

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: enemas are abuse and I don't like them

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Date Posted: Monday, February 17, 2025, 04:58: pm

All you girls just like to make us boys have enemas. Grandma lets my sister make my enema and then comes and tells me I have to go get on it. And I have to let it out while she sits there and watches me. I told grandma I don't want any more enemas and I don't like my sisters watching and she still does it.

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