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Subject: masterdeb...

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Date Posted: 08:59:23 06/01/02 Sat
In reply to: Paul Musgrave 's message, "Nope, still extemp" on 02:29:18 06/01/02 Sat

Although a debate constructive is only 1/8 original, the cross examinations are purely made up. Then, the rebuttals, although they make use of evidence, do require individual insight (or an excellent partner).

Sure, rebuttals can be practiced for some common arguments against common cases, but A) there are variation and/or squirrel cases B) this practicing is similar to the practicing for common extemp questions.

As for presentation style- speed reading is mostly useless in real life. But speed readers also develop their enunciation. Moreover, looking beyond the constructive, cross examinations (which are not generally at breakneck speed) force you to strike a balance between being assertive and being rude- an exercise that is never practiced in extemp (fx cx's are made to show off your knowledge, not to discredit your opponent's knowledge). In crystallizing, the weighing of voting issues must not be hurried- instead, a calm, clear analysis of the voting issues is desired.

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