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Subject: Nope, still extemp

Paul Musgrave
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Date Posted: 02:29:18 06/01/02 Sat
In reply to: John Jernigan 's message, "One quick argument in favor of debate" on 12:31:42 05/30/02 Thu


"I think policy has even made me argumentative, to the point where I'll defend almost anything just for the joy of trying to point out the flaws in other's reasoning."

But there's a difference between being argumentative, and being analytical. A good extemp speech should be analytical, as should a good debate constructive. But it's harder to be analytical, and persuasive, and an effective presenter, and knowledgeable about your subject, than to just "push back" as a negative (or affirmative 2ac/rebuttalist). And anyway, just pointing out flaws in another's reasoning doesn't make you an analyst; it just makes you boorish.

I never denied that debate wouldn't teach you valuable skills; I just think that extemp is better all-round. I also think that extemp done well -- which would require judges who actually knew something about the world -- would be much more helpful than extemp as most competitors do it now.

One offensive point to match my defensive arguing above: Nobody on this board has yet pointed out that every extemp speech is (should be) an original creation, whereas one-eighth of all debate speeches are written beforehand. Further, as regards presentation: if someone can please point to a few examples in the real world where people are impressed by quick reading of boring and out-of-context paragraphs from academic writing, it would probably help the other side.

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masterdeb...anon08:59:23 06/01/02 Sat

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