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Subject: Re: E-Mail Dialogue

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Date Posted: 09:02:51 09/24/04 Fri
In reply to: MikeKnight 's message, "E-Mail Dialogue" on 13:32:49 10/29/02 Tue

>I'm currently on hold at Geocities password help
>(after calling the billing services number provided
>from bank). I've been on hold for 15 minutes and I
>have decided to post the following email
>correspondance while I am waiting.
>Original Message Follows:
>In the last e-mail you said:
>"For security reasons, it is not possible to update or
>change your birth
>date in our system. If you entered your birth date
>incorrectly when you opened your account with Yahoo!,
>you will need to open a new Yahoo!
>account with your correct birth date."
>Unfortunately, I have a subscription web site hosted
>through geocities and cannot remedy the problem by
>simply changing my yahoo id. In order for me to cancel
>or transfer my website subscription, I have to be able
>to log into my account. But I can't log into my
>account because, apparently, I entered my birth date
>incorrectly when I initially registered my account.
>See the paradox?
>It's hard to believe that something as trivial as
>entering a birth date incorrectly will prevent me from
>accessing my geocities site
>(http://www.mikebknight.com), which I was in the
>process of updating when I decided to change my
>password for security reasons. But, the password I
>changed to won't work -- there comes the problem. I
>try to log back in moments later with no success. I
>have tried for two days, been locked out of my account
>3 times and each time a try a different variation of
>the password, it too fails.
>It's almost been two days and I would really
>appreciate some assistance in this matter, rather than
>automated or pre-scripted responses.
>Thank You.
>Mike Knight
>Yahoo/Geocitie's Fourth Response:
>Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Account Services.
>When first registering your account with Yahoo!, you
>were asked for your birth date. This date is used both
>for age verification and for security on your account.
> If you entered this information incorrectly, or
>cannot remember what you entered, you will be unable
>to receive a new password
>or perform other actions in Yahoo!.
>For security reasons, it is not possible to update or
>change your birth
>date in our system. If you entered your birth date
>incorrectly when you opened your account with Yahoo!,
>you will need to open a new Yahoo!
>account with your correct birth date.
>We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you,
>but we adhere to
>these guidelines in order to protect the privacy of
>your account.
>Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Customer Care.
>Yahoo! Customer Care
>For assistance with all Yahoo! services, please visit:
> http://help.yahoo.com/
when i logon to yahoo mail ifound massage We apologize for the inconvenience. Please try again later.
help me

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