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Date Posted: 19:08:12 01/07/02 Mon
Author: Blaise
Subject: ~offer~
In reply to: Rane 's message, "..Begin.." on 20:55:21 01/06/02 Sun

Blaise changes into her human form and steps closer to Rane but does not join Surin and Nearah.
Her Orange eyes look at all in the room but asks a question directed at Rane, "I do not know if you will teach a shapeshifter and if you do not that is no matter but maybe I could be of some assistance?" orange eyes glitter at the idea of helping this group.
She wishes to explain what she means before he or the other jump to any conclusion. "Maybe you could use my eyes and ears to give you warning on any plans formed by the witches or in the lair keeping a close watch on the other shifters... the idiots who say 'oh yes, its very wise to be good and support the witches' pathetic!" saying the last few words in a tone mocking some of the shifters back in the lair and almost spitting out the word pathetic. Thinking they may not have much to worry about at the moment as most in the lair are weak and stupid but there were a few to keep an eye on.

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