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Date Posted: 21:53:16 01/07/02 Mon
Author: Rane
Subject: ..pathetic..
In reply to: Blaise 's message, "~offer~" on 19:08:12 01/07/02 Mon

Amused, he approaches the Shapeshifter. "As touching as that story may be," he replies, looking at the creature with a bit of contempt mixed with amusement, "I am not too inclined to trust you. No, we do not train Shapeshifters to be warlocks, we find their loyalties change as often as their shapes." He paces at this point, heavily shod feet making hollow ringing sounds on the ancient cobbles. "What I find pathetic is a creature such as yourself," he continued, indicating Blaise with a wave of his tastefully bejewelled hand, "who, because they fit in nowhere else, come crawling in here and expect us to take you on your word alone. Yes, it's all well and good to say, 'oh, those shapeshifters that support the witches, they're just pathetic!' Since when does anyone sign up to be in servitude to another, for fun? No. Your little statement is just what I'd hear from someone who wanted me to believe them, but isn't smart enough to 'fight the forces of light' on their own, or they're a spy. Now, I suggest you tell me why you're really here, before you become food for a vampyre."

(ooc: Rane is, by definition, evil. Nothing personal.)

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