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Date Posted: 11:09:15 01/09/02 Wed
Author: Mediator
Subject: Needing Resolution
In reply to: rsqarchive 's message, "January 2001" on 10:32:30 01/09/02 Wed

Author: Needing Resolution
Subject: Mediator

Does anyone know if we can inquire about another respected Christian organization, like Billy Graham's or the like, that could help us mediate these kinds of problems.

What about a legal organization like filing a complaint with the U.S. attorneys office or the IRS?

does anyone know?

Author: UBF
Subject: Re: Mediator

I think mediators would only work if Sam were willing to participate. He does not seem willing to even acknowledge Reformers as anything more than rebels.

Interestingly enough, legally Sam is probably not the head of UBF. The actual leaders and the people who are responsble for running it are the board of directors that incorporated it. It is incorporated. I wonder if this includes Jimmy Rhee and other excommunicated leaders. In that case if they are the legitimate authority of UBF, then a lawyer could be hired to sue Sam for whatever, fraud, spiritual malpractice, improper dismissal all those things. In any case, a court could award the proper directors the assets of UBF in which case they could force Sam to leave the premises as well as bank accounts and all those things.

I am not a lawyer, but UBF is certainly a chartered not for profit organization. As such, its members and directors past and present have rights that would certainly hold up in a court of law.

Sam is not
reasonable. He will not do anything unless he is forced to by the law. I think it is time for everyone to get together and hire a lawyer.

Just my two cents.

Author: Needing Resolution
Subject: Re: Mediator

Speaking with a lawyer, looking to this, if proper affidavites were acquired from those with proof of UBF's corruption could notify both the IRS, and the U.S. attorneys office. That way no private party would have to pay. Fraud from a non-profit organization means a federal offense...but I think that those with personal stories should be the ones filing a complaint.

My worries and concerns are from heresay and minor things that I have experienced.

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  • Perm Training -- Anon, 11:12:14 01/09/02 Wed
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