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Date Posted: 11:07:56 01/09/02 Wed
Author: Jimmy Rhee
Subject: Credibility
In reply to: rsqarchive 's message, "January 2001" on 10:32:30 01/09/02 Wed

Author: Jimmy Rhee
Subject: Credibility

I have answered to the following email and I decided to post both the email and my response, not to defend myself, but to alert many to the lies used by the leadership of UBF.
Dear Jimmy,
I was the author of a discussion topic on www.reformubf.org which discussed the gossip spread about you by Samuel Lee from the pulpit after you and your family were excommunicated. The webmaster removed my article and suggested that I contact you privately because the topic discussed may have been too personal. Anyway, the following was my article:

"Re: Jimmy Rhee credibility"
"I myself have no doubts about Jimmy Rhee's credibility. I knew him and his family, that is, before he was abruptly excommunicated. But based on slander spread during prayer topics and announcement and gossip, the average UBF member (especially younger members) might think that Jimmy Rhee:

"1) 'ran away' to a tongue-speaking church and convinced other
missionaries that speaking in tongues was what they really needed;
"2) came to the Center one night with other tongue-speakers and did a weird voodoo-like dance in the dark on the auditorium stage (a missionary claimed he witnessed this);
"3) was deceived by a 'witch woman' at the tongue-speaking church, gave her all his money in anticipation of Christ's coming on such-and-such a date in the late 1990s, went to a mountain to wait for Christ's coming, came back when Christ didn't come only to find that the 'witch woman' had taken off with all the money that the church members had given her.

"I think Jimmy Rhee and those who knew him post-UBF should take this opportunity to refute all these slanderous accusations. I think, in the back of their minds, those who laughed and pretended to accept such slander as truth probably know that they were completely untrue."
I thought it was important that such myths be dispelled in a public forum, so that current UBF members may not read your writing with
their eyes jaundiced by gossip. The webmaster at www.reformubf.org did not agree, and I respect his opinion. I am hoping you will address the above myths with me privately, but I will also understand if these topics are too painful to discuss for you and will respect your wishes for me to keep any discussion private. As for me, I am a current and long time Chicago UBF member who has seen and experienced enough abuse to be tired of it. I hope and pray for courage to openly call for reform in spite of the losses--mainly in family relations--it will cause me.
My answer:

Thank you for your writing. It is not painful at all to talk about it with you, but I feel it's not proper for me to depend myself.

Many know the whole story is not true at all.

About tongue speaking, it was not the real issue. My wife I had received it before we came to Chicago.

As I wrote how I had to leave, I did not run away. Samuel Lee
begged me to leave, saying he couldn't prepare for the Christmas worship service. And the church I attended after I left UBF, was not a tongue-speaking church, but a Baptist church. Though there were some who used the gift, I don't think it was a tongue-speaking church. Off course, the pastor acknowledged the validity of the gift according to the Scripture.

Did I come to the Center one night with other tongue-speakers and did a weird voodoo-like dance? I remember I often prayed at the center for myself, not with others. Did I pray in tongues? Yes, sometimes, but quietly and privately, just as Paul Dang, Milwakee Director?, his wife used to do. Did it look like voodoo-like dance? You judge!

Was I deceived by a 'witch woman' at the tongue-speaking church, gave her all his money in anticipation of Christ's coming on such-and-such an date in the late 1990s, went to a mountain to wait for Christ's coming?

Do I have to answer to these lies? The woman Samuel Lee called a 'witch woman': if
he meant the wife of the church I attended after I left UBF, it is the most slanderous. For she is a missionary to the North Korea who has been working for thousands of starving people and bringing many to Christ at the risk of her own life. Many Korean and American Christians support her now after they have seen her suffering from mal-nutrition because she takes just a bowl of soup a day just like those whom she serves.
Yes, she has a special gift of the Holy Spirit, but she doesnot boast about it, but follows her Lord as one of his faithful disciples.

If Samuel Lee meant a woman revivalist, as the one who had taken off with all the money, I let you know that though she and her husband started a church in Chicago, I didn't attend that church, As I know, they were not at all involved in so-called 92 Christ' coming. Samuel Lee told Dr. John Jun to ask a Korean cult-awareness institution (what an irony!) to investigate about her, and the answer was not what Samuel Lee wanted.

involvement in Christ's coming? In the church I attended there were some who believed it, but the church, including the pastor, and I opposed it. And giving all my money? I live at my own house, debt-free, much richer than I was in UBF. Going to mountain? Check out my work record at AT&T and Lucent Tech.

Do I have to go more? I don't think I have to respond to all of these. I have heard it many times, but it doesn't hurt me at all, because there is no truth. May the Lord vindicate me, by some one like you. The reason I write this is not to depend myself-I don't need it, but to show how much the leadership of UBF has been corrupted, how much UBF members are deceived and deceive others sincerely. Who is the father of lie?

God bless you.

Author: sinner
Subject: Re: Credibility

You know, Pastor Jimmy answered about these things, and I thank him for that. I appreciate openess. But, I don't think he was obligated to answer. You will ask, "Why then do you insist Sam answer?"

The fundamental difference is that the leaders of the church had already brought the serious accusations of sin before Sam numerous times and he refused to address it privately within the church. Then these things were made public, which according to Matthew 18 is perfectly Biblical and correct.

Sam's allegations are VERY SERIOUS and affect the church deeply, yet he has refused to address them.

If Sam has made accusations or slander against Rhee, did he ever follow this Biblical process? No.
He merely blurted out his slander before all in order to attack an honorable man. Pastor Jimmy did not even have the right of being addressed privately about things which are nothing and which could have proved to have been lies if addressed privately before the church.

Pastor Jimmy addressed them. He set a higher standard of accountability and openess than the Bible demands. So, thank you Pastor Jimmy for setting us a good example!

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