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Date Posted: 12:09:59 09/25/02 Wed
Author: Reveal
Subject: Sam's cleverness

I think one of the weak points of UBF members and reformers is that they underestimate the cleverness of Samuel Lee. His tactics of subtle manipulation and telling lies are so manifold and hidden. For instance, in the "World Missions" newsletter Fall Semester '99 , page 4, he writes: "... what a shame to Korean UBF, which is very formal and growing in authoritativeness inside and outside." When I read this sentence at that time, I though "How cool! In reality Sam is not authorative at all. He even sees the problem of authoritativeness in the Korean UBF!" And of course, I was on Sam's side and against Korea UBF. So, when Korean reformers started reform, at first I was critical. Sometimes it's very clever to adjudge your enemys attitudes, which you have yourself. Another example is Sam saying: "I never made any politics in UBF, never fought power struggles or the like..." Of course, the exact opposite is true. But he want's people to believe, reformers are the persons who only think about "politics". Clever. Also, he is famous for preaching things which he does not live and enforce in "his" UBF, of saying things which sound good and at the same time constructing "unspoken" rules, which say exactly the opposite and are much more imperative in "his" UBF than what is preached. So with one word: Don't underestimate Sam. He is a clever psychologist and knows how to manipulate people very well!


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