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Date Posted: 12:03:29 01/09/02 Wed
Author: multiple
Subject: Joseph Park's testimony
In reply to: rsqarchive 's message, "January 2001" on 10:32:30 01/09/02 Wed

Author: Joseph Park
Subject: Friend of Wesley, Friend of Ruthie Chung, Friend of Sarah Rhee, son of Rebekah Yoon...

My name is Joseph Park. I am 16 years old and live with my mother. I am a 2nd generation UBFer who left along with my mother Rebekah Yoon, Pastor Jimmy Rhee, Dr. Daniel Shin, and many others with their respective families in 1989.

I have long since forgiven Dr. Samuel Lee for what he has done to me, my mother, my unborn little sibling and my friends.

I am not bitter about what has happened because I believe it is what God has done for me to become a man at a young age.

What i am about to write may sound shocking and sounds like I feel bitter, but please don't take it that way. I have forgiven many people from my short, but very eventful, stay in UBF.

I was born in Evanston's St. Francis Hospital. My mother, Rebekah Yoon, had been attending the UBF for 5 years beofre i was born in 1984.

I am the son of a mother who was forced to marry my father, whose name will not be mentioned for his own sake. My father was abusive to my mother before and during her pregnancy and was
forced by Samuel Lee and members of the Church to leave the church by force. They were physically involved in the matter because he was abusive to my mother. The church also forced them to have a divorce, which is more than reasonable and should've happened.
He ran away from the church and my mother and is currently living out of state.

I have forgiven him and I am looking forward to the day when i may meet him again.

My mom was allowed to raise me for the first 8 months of my life before Dr. Sam Lee forcefully took me and gave me to Mr. and Mrs. James Jeung. They took care of me for 9 months before they gracefully returned me to my mother.

During my absence, my mother was forced into a second marriage with the promise of me being returned to my mother upon marriage. My mother would not subject herself to a second marriage but decided that having her only son back was worth a second marriage.

I was NOT returned upon the marriage because she was just recently

She was married for 3 months and pregnant for 2 months before her new husband could not take the UBF church. He ran away in the middle of the night and disappeared without a trace.

My mother was then forced to have an abortion by Dr. Samuel Lee. Her only consolation for losing her second child was the return of hert first son.

Dr. Samuel Lee's motives here was to make sure my mom didn't leave the church at the time, or so she believes. He had no intention before to return me and even lied to her at another point in time before my 2nd Christmas. My mother took me from Mr and Mrs James Jeung and returned home with me. She was very naive and returned me back when she was promised to have me again after she helped with the Christmas service music setup. This was just a trick and i would not be returned for another 3 months.

I find Dr. Samuel Lee responsible for the death of my little brother or sister. I have forgiven him though for his actions. This is hard for me to
accept and forgive considering I learned of this just a mere 15-30 minutes ago. It's a very hard concept to think of having a little sibling. I have forgiven Samuel Lee and wish that God would just move upon his heart.

As I grew up, I naturally made some very close friends. Wesley Jun Jr., who has posted before me and still attends the Chicago UBF chapter, was one of my closest friends along with a few other neighborhood chums. Wesley, if you're reading this, I still consider you one of my best friends and i do hope you remember me.

I lived in the same basement along with Wesley. We lived in a basement that was sectioned off into two little apartment buildings and had som great moments together. I wish that we can meet one day and just talk like friends without all the political issues of UBF around us, like real friends. I still love you and wish you the best. I am proud of your courage to post when you know you'll be under fire. May God be with you always.

Ruthie Chung was my
babysitter from time to time because she was one of my mom's violin students. I have pictures of her just taking care of me. I am proud of what you've accomplished in life and I am thankful for all the love you've shown me when i was a little young'un.

Sarah Rhee is still a very close friend of mine. She has also raised me in ways (changing diapers, babysitting, etc.). she still shows me love to this day along with her brother, her father Pastor Jimmy Rhee and her mother. I attend the Vineyard of Evanston, and my mother is the worship leader of the Korean Vineyard.

Life has been rough these days. I feel like I am mature enough to post my thoughts to everyone to read and think about. I have not learned many of the things i wrote until i was about 13,since then, I have learned many new things of my life in the UBF and also my mother's life in the UBF.

I have learned how to be a man and how to forgive others no matter what happens. Although I may be saddened by soe of the things that Samuel
Lee has done, no matter how much hatred i have been exposed to, the love of God i have received in my life over rides whatever obstacles that are thrown in my way.

Author: Joseph Park
Subject: Please visit this site

Pastor Jimmy Rhee, a very close friend of mine, posted this regarding what Samuel Lee did to my family.

The situations mentioned in the post are vague to me, but i do remeber specific instances in those situations... i do remember seeing our house door boarded up.

The story in the post is about me and my mother... some of the situations were mentioned in my testimony, but some are not. Some are things I never knew happened until i read the post...

i really hope this doesn't sound bitter in any way shape or form... these situations angered me, but being angry at things is just useless. If we can't grow and realize that our final destination and goal is the presence of God, and realize that everything else is to serve him, how can we set the example to all other non-Christians, Christians, non-UBFers or UBFers.

I am praying that Samuel Lee will repent. I have mercy on his soul, but that does no justice. Justice is determined when we are at heaven's gate and final jusgement is
passed. God is a forgiving being. I do not want another child to be raised through what I've been through. Realizing that you could've always had a little sibling or the pain of knowing that your mother went through so much at the hands of one man. One man that thinks he is in control, but he is NOT. God will pass judgement, I just hope I can see Samuel Lee in heaven.

Thank You.

Author: watcher
Subject: Re: Friend of Wesley, Friend of Ruthie Chung, Friend of Sarah Rhee, son of Rebekah Yoon...

Joseph, did your mother want what she told you to be posted? It's not that I don't believe the things you and Jimmy Rhee wrote. I fully believe Samuel Lee did these things. But testimonies like that of Missionary Andrew Park tend to disappear from this board because the person who related the events didn't really want them to be made public and requests that they be removed. Anyway, I've already saved your testimony to my hard drive in case it disappears from here.

Author: Joseph Park
Subject: Re: Friend of Wesley, Friend of Ruthie Chung, Friend of Sarah Rhee, son of Rebekah Yoon...

dear watcher,

My mom did aprove of me putting this up. She was by me while I wrote this, and she read and approved it before I actually put it up.

My mother is praying and waiting for the rig ht time to post on this board and others.

Thank You.

Author: Sarah Rhee
Subject: Your words have touched me...

Seeing your words of forgiveness and grace towards Samuel Lee and those in UBF really pierced my heart, and I feel so convicted knowing that I struggle daily to forgive again and again.

I can't tell you how proud I am of you. I've known you since you were 3 days old, and I've always loved you as my younger brother. I'm so thankful that now as a young man you are running passionately after Jesus. You and your mother will always have a very special place in my heart.

Author: Ruth Chung
Subject: Re: Friend of Wesley, Friend of Ruthie Chung, Friend of Sarah Rhee, son of Rebekah Yoon...

Dear Joseph,
I remember when you were first taken away from your mother, and how I cried and cried for you. I am amazed that you have been able to forgive - it is a sure sign that you know the grace of God. Thank you for speaking up. I am so glad to know that you and your mother are well and that you are growing in the Lord. Tell your mom that I said hello, and if she would like to contact me, Sarah Pattie has my contact information.

God bless you,
Ruthie Nuna

Author: Reform issue Kim
Subject: Re: Friend of Wesley, Friend of Ruthie Chung, Friend of Sarah Rhee, son of Rebekah Yoon...

Dear Joseph,

My wife read your story and said that she could not read the whole story without tears. I am most thankful to God that He has formed you into a man of God, a man of sorrows (and a man of heavenly joy) and a good Christian man. Thank God that He has been with you as he was with Joseph in Egypt.
Your mother's violin solo of Shubert's Serenade moved me to tears.Your love of the Lord moves me to tears and joy. Happy Christian millennium to you and your mother.

Author: Jimmy Rhee
Subject: Re: Please visit this site


I am really proud of you, and I give thanks to the Lord who has been with you as your everlasting Father.

I didn't know how we could tell all these stories without making you bitter, but now I see how wonderfully Lord Jesus has revealed you all so graciously. It is also wonder of wonders to see you so much forgiving.

Now that I see all your forgiving spirit, and I believe you may take even more, I share with you what I even now recall how you were bitterly whipped by S.L. when you were just less than 2 years old. Your mom would help the chicago quartette practice on Saturday night. Chris, Kevin, Tony... they all are eyewitnesses! I remember how much puzzled they were at the scene of S.L. so angry, hitting you and taking you away mercilessly just because you cried and nagged your Mom. You were just a little one who needed Mom's care and love. I saw you Mom angry and crying inside. My heart was crying too. All I could do was just showing my angry face against S.L. Still I couldn't
stop it. Please forgive me!

I ask everyone, including my daughter and son, for forgiveness: forgive me for not stopping S.L. and allowing him to abuse and hurt so many people.

Author: Jimmy Rhee
Subject: Re: Please visit this site


I forgot to write one very important thing. When you were back to your Mom, S.L. said to me, "he will betray his mom before he becomes 16". It was a curse from one who claimed to be God's servant. I screamed in my heart, "it will never happen, our gracious Lord will never allow it. I will see you growing as a man of God.".

See all His grace working in your life. Our Lord became a curse to redeem us from all the curses (Gal 3:13). Praise Him for His amazing grace. Now I together with you can shout for joy to the Lord who has given us a great victory. By the way, S.L. has become a false prophet - the Lord forced him to be! Let's pray for him at least he may not end up with the destiney for the false prophets. Let him curse; we bless him by asking for the Lord's mercy for him. Mercy triumphs judgement!

Author: watcher
Subject: remembering a curse

There was a leader's meeting about 4 years ago. Samuel Lee was not in a good mood. Unprovoked, he angrily looked at a young missionary and cursed his mother, saying that she would suffer from a debilitating back injury. He ended that curse by saying, "You'll see!" It was unprovoked. The young missionary somehow managed to remain silent and keep his temper. The woman Lee cursed is doing just fine.

Author: Anon
Subject: Re: Friend of Wesley, Friend of Ruthie Chung, Friend o f Sarah Rhee, son of Rebekah Yoon...

When I think of Joseph Park, Rebekah Yoon, and Jackie Lee I cannot help but to remember all the verses in the Bible that talk about defending the cause of the widow and the fatherless. Deuteronomy says, "Cursed is the man who withholds justice from the alien, the fatherless or the widow." Zechariah says, "Do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, the alien or the poor." The Bible says God himself will come to their aid.

Author: A voice in the netwilderness
Subject: Re: Joseph Park's testimony

Dear ChicagoX,^M
Thank you very much for posting Joseph park's testimony. It is one of the most painful and revealing testimonies which cries for reform. This testimony shows that Samuel Lee's role in the aortion mentioned aobve was not an incidental one as he claimed but a systematic and palnned one. the current UBF system that perpetuates such crimes is the major object of reform. You may not know the incidence of Missionary Shim jin Soon's suicide many years ago, perhaps in 1970s. She is remembered to have said, "Samuel lee, you have ruined my life!" And she was found to have commited asuicide by dr0wning in Lake Michigan. Korean newspaper (or only one Korean Newspaper reported about th eincident). samuel Lee does not seem to have repented of his role in her tragedy. He often jokingly tells people, "Those who do not... should throw tehmselves in Lake Michigan!" He uses the trick of humorizing and desensitizing his evil practices. he often waters down people's fear by showing a show case
performance. No wonder that 93 % of german Christians were deceived by Hitler. Most of german Christians did not know what hitler was really doing. May God bring about reform, heal the brokenhearted and abused! may God restore UBF to her original good status!please pray continuously for reform.samuel lee is handing out mafia money to buy his cronies' loyalty or to make unsuspecting mission coworkers accomplices. But god know it all. reformers pray that M. samuel lee may repent. But the prospect seems to be nill. We just hope that many naive and well-meaning UBF people may not be his accomplices or victims. God be with you.

Author: A voice in the netwilderness
Subject: Re: Joseph Park's testimony

Dear Watcher, if you check out the various posts by Jimmy Rhee at http://www.reformubf.org, you will find that he talks about confronting Samuel Lee about Rebekah Yoon's abortion. Samuel Lee at first tried to deny it, but later confessed, saying he didn't know what happened, he had been "possessed by demons." He in fact admitted his role to Jimmy Rhee shortly after it happened.

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