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Date Posted: 12:16:46 01/09/02 Wed
Author: multiple
Subject: Chicago Report by Ex-Chicago UBF Missionary
In reply to: rsqarchive 's message, "January 2001" on 10:32:30 01/09/02 Wed

Author: Anonymous
Subject: Chicago Report by Ex-Chicago UBF Missionary

(From www.ubfnet.com www.ubfnet.com)
This Chicago Report was originally written in Korean by an ex-Chicago UBF missionary and sent to the Shep. Elijah Song, the webmaster of www.ubfnet.com, through E-mail. It was posted there publicly for far more than a month. I just translated this and post this here. Therefore, I do not have the right to reveal some private details, but I encourage you to participate us to make the facts clearer and share the candid opinions about the issues. Thank you!

Chicago Report by Ex-Chicago UBF Missionary

Why Did M. *** Write This Report?

Shep. Elijah Song, my dear brother in the Lord!
I thank God for your love to God and burning enthusiasm to His truth. I believe that our God is not only God of love, but also God of justice. May God bless your work and use you preciously! Through all things, I pray only our God may be glorified.
I am missionary ***, as I introduced myself to you before, through
E-mail. I was a member of ** center, and was participated in pioneering ** center, then stayed in ** center until I was sent out as a missionary. Even though I do not have a personal relationship with you (Actually, I remember that I saw you when you visited Chicago UBF.), I am writing this mail with the strong sense of responsibility to let the truth known publicly, while I am reading the articles in your web site. Already, ** years have been passed away after I came to Chicago as a student lay missionary. But now, I am asking to God for my future guidance, leaving the UBF inevitably with the painful heart and deep agony where I devoted my youth and time. In fact, I tried to postpone writing this kind of report. Considering my immature inner being in my staying UBF, I thought it was the most urgent thing for me to have the personal relationship with God newly and to grow spiritually, instead of doing something right now. However I am writing like this due to my conscience of faith that I should let them
know the even only the facts before too late, while I am reading the articles of your web site. I pray I may not be emotional and write only the facts truthfully in the sight of God.
Frankly speaking, I did not have any personal conflict with M. Samuel Lee. When I first came to Chicago UBF, I regarded him so highly and even had a fear to some degree. Yet, from the time I can not exactly remember particularly, I started to listen to the Christian radio and cassette tapes, especially after I finished my school study and went to work in a company in order to solve my visa problem. Then I could have developed the insight to see the Chicago UBF objectively. There are lots of things I can speak out. But right now, I want to share with you just two big events which made me leave Chicago UBF. If the opportunities are given, I will share with you more details.

Before The Suicide of A Young Man

I believe that you also know this case to some extent. But I saw with my own eyes and heard with my own
ears how Chicago UBF (M. Samuel Lee) dealt with this case. I am telling you once again, I will witness what I saw with my eyes and heard with my ears. The judgment is all up to you. When * *** came to Chicago, I met him several times because of computer related business. That's because I served the computer related things of those days in Chicago UBF. At that time, he seemed to be a still young, naive and good student. M. Samuel Lee put him in the fellowship of M. * *** which had the most fruitful student work in those days. M. * *** is a very faithful servant of God who had the enthusiasm toward God. Actually, the story I heard later is like this: M. * *** was the sheep of Shep. * **, and he helped * *** in Korea. Since M. * *** knew * *** well, he wanted to live with him and help him. But under the atmosphere of Chicago UBF, it was impossible to bring out this kind of matter. Once M. Samuel Lee gives the direction, there is no other way except obeying him, even though his direction is unreasonable. Even
now I can remember vividly that later on M. * *** lamented over he could not help * *** and eventually he committed a suicide. As I recall, * *** attended a language course first. Then he enrolled in the University of Illinois. But, as I also have the similar experience, it was not easy for the Korean student who did not have the good English skill to catch up the academic course of university in USA. It seems that * *** was frustrated to himself, struggling desperately. M. * *** helped him to overcome by faith, but * *** already could not handle it. He dropped all the courses. I don't know whether it was the direction of M. Samuel Lee or his own personal direction, but he transferred to Loyola University. But he could not be capable of carrying out well even there. He wanted to go back to Korea. I remember M. * *** to tell me that it was the first time for him to see that weak person. It is what I heard from M. **** that he already had tried to commit a suicide in Korea, and his mother had asked him to
return to Korea without committing a suicide in his difficulties. Eventually, M. *** also judged it had better to send him back to the Korea, visited M. Samuel Lee and suggested about that matter. In my knowledge, another missionary, whom I don't know who he was, also visited M. Samuel Lee and gave the same proposal. But M. Samuel Lee had his passport taken away, ignoring their advice. And gave him a training of the young missionary. Concretely, he put him in charge of sweeping the countless fallen leaves around the center everyday. I also saw his lonely appearance, sweeping the fallen leaves in the late time, when I came from the company. In those days, M. * *** was in Korea because of the marriage of his sister with his sheep. Later, I heard from one missionary like this; she saw him just two days before his suicide, at that time, he had no focus in his eyes, mumbling, "Somebody stole my document (passport)!"

His Suicide and Afterwards

It was a Saturday afternoon. I went to the Chicago
center to study the 1:1 Bible study with my sheep. His name is ***, and he was living a common life with *** in those days. When he came, I could read something serious from his face. I asked, "How are you?" He answered that he was not so fine. Then he told me that *** committed a suicide through throwing himself down from the high building. At first, I could not believe his words. But he repeatedly told me that at Saturday afternoon, a policeman came and informed him of his suicide. And that policeman said that he already tried to commit a suicide early in that week, but they just sent him back since he did not tell them his address. So, he informed this news to Shep. Mark Yang who was staying in Chicago at that time. But Shep. Mark told me not to tell to nobody (even to his parents), and let me wait until M. Samuel Lee gave the direction. I felt we needed the emergency prayer meeting in the level of Chicago UBF. Yet, at that day, Chicago UBF was very quite. I expected there would be some announcement on
the next day, the Lord's day. However, almost all missionaries were very busy to bring their sheep to the Sunday worship service. What was worse, M. Samuel Lee did not mention anything about that event even during the announcement of Sunday worship service. It was just after the Sunday worship service. By accident, I overheard the telephone dialogue of M. *** (His son married the older sister of ***.), when I was passing through. He was asking the quick (the next day) cremation of the remains through the telephone. He said it was not necessary to have the funeral service. M. *** took hold of me when I was passing by, and let me bring young missionaries to his house of *** and throw away all his belongings. I was struck dumb to see all these things were progressed so quickly. I had a question that the life of one young man and his everything could be disappeared like this in futile, and the same time I became to be filled with anger. But I did not have the choice except obeying that direction. In that week,
there was a regular Tuesday testimony sharing meeting for the assistant fellowship leaders. Almost over twenty people were gathered. But almost everybody did not mention about ***. Only one or two people with me, mentioned about that. Shep. Ron, who was the leader of that meeting, did not mention it thoroughly, either. Even he did not give any prayer topic for his parents and him. Chicago UBF was never shaken at all. I never saw somebody shed his tears because of that matter. I could not but doubt whether or not this was the Christian fellowship. I couldn't help asking why we needed to keep on bringing sheep, while we could not serve even a single soul with God's love. I can not remember exactly whether or not it was that week or the next week, but eventually M. Samuel mentioned about *** in the announcement time of Friday meeting. But that was not the compassion toward *** or the sympathy toward his parents. M. Samuel Lee blamed that as a rich family his parents raised him up so weak. That was all. And the
suicidal case of *** became to be forgotten in Chicago UBF.

The Destruction of M. Jackie Lee's Family

I don't know whether you know or not, but M. Jackie Lee served M. Samuel Lee as a secretary until recently, some years ago, from the pioneering stage of Chicago UBF. Her husband, M. Jacob Lee, died of hypertension some years ago. Some years ago, M. Samuel Lee let her quit the job of the secretary, and publicly blamed her that she did not learn Jesus at all even though she had the privilege to be near him. I know M. Jackie had a very difficult time because suddenly she lost her job and her husband also died. Later on, I had an opportunity to talk with her. At that time, M. Jackie confessed that it was very difficult for her to endure because of the thirst of God's Word. She said she could not be satisfied any more through God's Word in UBF. So M. Jackie started to have the Bible study with a wife of the pastor of a church. Then she decided to leave the UBF which she gave all her life. In
those days, M. Jackie was staying in Korea. And M. Samuel Lee became aware of the signs of her leaving UBF. M. Jackie has five daughters and a son. Three daughters are already married in UBF. I could see this case from the first, since her daughters were in the same fellowship with me. Suddenly, M. Samuel Lee let the family of her eldest daughter and son-in-law who were living in the house of M. Jackie Lee to move into the house near the UIC Bible House. And he let the fourth daughter of M. Jackie Lee, who was not married yet, move into the same house, too. But the youngest daughter and the youngest son went to Korea with their mother. M. Samuel Lee hurriedly sent the fourth daughter of M. Jackie Lee (about 19 years old at that time) to Korea and let her immediately submit the paper of the marriage with a Korean shepherd (I heard that he was about 6~7 years older than her.). When M. Jackie came back to Chicago, she had a lot of conflicts with her daughters and sons-in-law. Later I heard from the youngest
daughter (a high school kid) that M. Samuel Lee visited M. Jackie. At that time, he said to her that she was not qualified to go to her father's tomb. She was dumbfounded and asked him back why she could not visit. Then M. Samuel Lee said that she defiled the name of her father. And he said that since she left UBF, she became proud and turned against the servant of God. And he cursed her. Because of this, that youngest daughter was immeasurably hurt. One day, M. Jackie received a call. That's from the four married daughters. They started to talk to her mom one by one. They said to her not to call them and not to visit them. According to the youngest daughter, it seemed that somebody (according to her, M. Samuel Lee) let them copy his words from the back. The sons-in-law also called M. Jackie Lee and declared not to meet her. And one of them even called his mother-in-law Satan. M. Jackie went to Korea again. Even though she did not want that marriage, she tried to meet her fourth son-in-law and his parents,
since she was in Korea. But M. Samuel Lee (according to M. Jackie Lee) already called them and gave the direction not to meet her, since she was involved in the organization of Sun-Myeng Moon. The fourth son-in-law did not try to meet her and treated her like an enemy. But his parents persuaded him not to treat his mother-in-law worse than the worldly people, so that they could meet each other. But it was still hostile. Eventually, there were wedding ceremonies of ten couples on the Friday of the week of the birthday of M. Samuel Lee. Among them, there was the wedding ceremony of the fourth daughter of M. Jackie Lee. But that daughter called to M. Jackie Lee and told her not to come. But M. Jackie attended the wedding ceremony after a long prayer. Maybe, you can guess how much hostile they are, once you left UBF. It was an enormous decision for M. Jackie to attend the wedding ceremony of her daughter. The wedding ceremonies of those ten couples were the marriages between the daughters of the missionaries
who were just over twenty and Koran young missionaries. I already left UBF at that time. But I heard that they finished a wedding ceremony in every fifteen minutes. I heard that M. Samuel Lee called to M. Jackie Lee and demanded at least $20.000 and more to offer, since he blessed her daughter's marriage.

No More Victims of the Kingdom of Samuel Lee!

Actually, I have more things to speak out, but I wrote about two shocking events which I experienced as possible as based on the facts. I realized something was wrong, observing the death of one young man in futile and the separation of one family into two with my own eyes. I could not understand how they became enemies between daughters and their own mother. I could not understand how a son-in-law could call his mother-in-law Satan. I lamented over Chicago UBF where nobody could speak out the truth. But I was one of them. That's because nobody could stay in Chicago UBF, speaking out the truth. So, eventually, my family left Chicago UBF like this.
And I am writing like this, in order to speak out the truth even a little bit. Shep. Elijah! My desire is like this: please let people know the true picture of Chicago UBF. And please try to make efforts that the young missionaries should not be victimized by the kingdom of Samuel Lee, coming to Chicago UBF without knowing anything about the situation here like me. Leaving Chicago UBF unavoidably, many are still in the deep agony and great pain. Please pray for them.
Good God! Righteous God! Please listen to our prayer and cleanse us through the gospel of crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. Please let us be filled with the Holy Spirit and seek for the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, only for the glory of God! Thank you! I pray God may protect Shep. Elijah Song and your family, and guide you through the Holy Spirit and use you preciously for promoting the righteousness and glory of God.

Author: gone fishing Subject: Re: Chicago Report by Ex-Chicago UBF Missionary

This post shows the real Sammy. There is no denying that this man is not even remotely a born again christian.

Look at each event. First, a young man commits suicide. Let's say Lee had absolutely nothing to do with this man's suicide, though it is obvious that he had alot to do with it. For one minute, let's pretend that he did not. What are his over-riding actions and thoughts? First, it sure looks like he considered this tragedy as a kind of scandal that has to be covered up, in order to PROTECT HIMSELF! Where is the evidence of prayer? Where is the evidence of sadness and sorrow that any normal Christian or even an unbeliever could be without? There is no sign of Christ in Sammy in this event.

The betrayal of Jackie Lee is the same story. Jackie became a widow. She was totally worn out after serving Sammy as a slave for 20 years, even cutting his hair and buying his meals. (She should have been slaving for her family during all these times. And this worked to help Sammy turn
the children aganst their mother! You daughters owe your mother a big apology, and you sons-in-law are a disgrace to the word missionary. Why didn't Grace A. Lee work as the slave?) When Jackie was most vulnerable and needed support, Lee should pray for her and ask others for earnest prayer. This is a no brainer that even a CBF kid could advise. But what did Sammy do? He slandered her. He manipulated her children. He basically cursed her family including her long dead father.

And what was the direction given to the indoctrinated Chicago coworkers? In each case it was to do as Lee said. "Ignore this suicide as if it din't happen. Speak and think badly of Jackie because I say so."

To this day Chicago brainwashed coworkers and their pint-sized leader believe they have done no wrong. Don't you get it? Your meetings and worship service are merely ACTING! The real Sammy and real Chicago coworkers are best depicted by their unchristian acts at important times. God does not tell people
to behave like this in any situation ever. But time and again, this is the only action from Sammy. Chicago coworkers, you are being led down the road to hell. If you know these things and you say it is not true, you are lying like the devil. If you don't exactly know what's going on, you are still wrong and have to repent. I think all the Chicago leaders know they are doing only evil and are keeping others in the dark without them knowing. Your worship and services and meetings are acting. Your real life is clearly shown through these and countless other ungodly chapters of UBF history. It is not too late. Repent today. Never do this again.

P.S. God does not want you to be faithful to evil men, even to the point of death.

P.P.S. Only a remnant will survive, and evil people are not included in the remnant.

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  • What is the state of things? -- multiple, 12:21:52 01/09/02 Wed
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