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Date Posted: 00:14:13 06/28/02 Fri
Author: Enrique
Subject: +I would think that was obvious+

In reply to: [/papercut\] 's message, "[/i got cut today\]" on 21:47:22 06/27/02 Thu

Twin lobes perk atop dial, listening intently to her words. A slight pause follows brujas question before an answer is issued to pair it.

Dear lady, my title is only half what I am. And I continue to attain it for many reasons. One, being that it is expected of me. I have no heir. Therefore no one to rule in my place. Second, I find there are many a young and foolish individual who think titles are what make someone. No. It is much more that you or I, or anyone else for that matter, shall ever know what makes up an equine...Aye, but I am straying from my point. These equines would see me killed, if only to be higher in our somewhat civilized "pecking order," so to say. And for that reason, I defend this honor to protect you all from a far less deserving equine. And that, M'lady, is saying something.

This small speech being finished, beast allows a slight chasium to appear in chisled features. Smile issued to vixen before him.

And there are many other reasons, I'm sure. Yet of some of those even I am unaware.

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