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Date Posted: 09:46:05 06/28/02 Fri
Author: ˆGwyndalynˆ
Subject: .big brother you forget.
In reply to: Enrique 's message, " +I would think that was obvious+ " on 00:14:13 06/28/02 Fri

Exquisite flea-bitten ivory approaches duo, overhearing clips of converso and unable to resist a chance to tease, approaching comely mahogany from hind, vix swishes feathered flank with silken whip tendrils knowing his weakness for a good tickle; halting majestic waltz once beside he amused femme swivels cupped auds forth, azure pools gazing into his own with that same demonic sisterly stare.

Dear brother, I do hope you did not forget me?
As if...anything 'were' to happen
you do know I'd get to
sit in your big red chair,
and wear your golden crown.

Playful smirk ajoins finely-chiseled features of porcelain, even if royalty there was no changing his position as 'big brother' in her eyes. Gaze sweeps minutely over newcomer though not long as there were places need be, offering a polite smile to the somewhat disrespectful femme, though well in questioning, slender snow vix departs; auds straining to catch any smart remark her brother might make.

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