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Subject: The darkness changes into a familar place.

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Date Posted: 20:14:35 12/29/01 Sat

*He sees Syd when she was 6 and him as a 10 year old they were eating a small breakfast of the last of the cereal. He and Syd were talking about going to the park for the first time in a while for the day as something different to do. Tim looks around and out the windows of the little old abandoned shack they called home making sure there wasn't any of the local thugs or drug dealers lurking outside. He takes Syd's hand in his and heads for the door only for it to be swung open before he reaches it. He sees the silhousette of a huge man in the doorway. Fear grips through him as he motions for Syd to run into the only other room in the shack. Syd trembles and sobs as she walks away. Tim is just aware of the man walking into the room and locking the door behind him. Tim looks up at the man knowing he can't possibly beat this man in a fight. He sees amost the exact face as his own staring back at him and more fears runs through him he wasn't sure of this familar face before him.* Tim snaps awake and stands he walks into the kitchen drinking a cup of water slowly hoping when he goes back to sleep that the dream is gone.. He walks back into the bedroom and kisses Rox's cheek softly before drifting back off.

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She walks down the hall of the condo, to, what she thinks, is their daughter's room...Rox20:21:38 12/29/01 Sat

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