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Date Posted: 08:23:36 12/03/02 Tue
Author: Eavan
Subject: ()...()
In reply to: Eavan 's message, "()Plummet()" on 08:11:43 12/03/02 Tue

Pain. Blinding, agonizing, sickening pain.

That's all Eavan could think about as her mind slowly fought its way back to consciousness. Her whole body ached with undiscovered injuries, her vision was blurred, and her lungs refused to work.

|| Up. I've got to get up.||

She wiped snow from her face with a bloodied left hand, and levered herself up with the right.

Big mistake.

A flas of white oblitterated what was left of her vision, accompanied by a such a blast of pain it was all she could do to keep from blacking out yet again.

The stars before her eyes faded, and Eavan chanced a look downat her right arm.

Each of her fingrs ere blackened by frostbite, and more than one of them were snapped into horrifying right angles...

Eava clamped her mouth shut against a was of nausea, and continued to assess her damage.

The bones in her arm were hattered, and one of them was jutting painfully through the skin, its jagged edges a pinkish hue in the early light of dawn.
She had cracked ribs, and each breath was a hellish torture.

If she didn' find help, and find it now, she would surely die out here.

That fear was what spurred her onward, stumbling through the snow, a boody pair of footprints marked where she'd been...

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