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Date Posted: 13:52:50 09/02/02 Mon
Author: Zeno~Vannea
Subject: Blinks
In reply to: Kaven 's message, "Re: Smile" on 15:07:44 09/01/02 Sun

Zeno woke slowly feeling the warmth surounding her and snuggled deeper into the soft fur. She reached out and realised that Kaven was gone, sitting sat up quickly looking around. He must have woken before her and she had been...
What if he hadnt wanted that and left, a lump formed in her throat, then she saw him sat in the caves entrance and relief flooed her and something else. She wandered over that feeling, not shore what it was.
Vannea raised her head and blinked sleepy pruple eyes at her rider.
Something is wrong?
I dont know, what is this? Zeno showed her the feeling. Vannea let out the dragon equivelent of a laugh.
Go talk to your man friend, we ort to be getting back soon, there will be a hatching Zeno frowned at the dragons reaction but moved over to Kaven and stood beside him.
"Beutiful morning" She said looking out "That is what I love about this place its so calm and lovely" She looked down at the fur in her hands. "thankyou for eh...last night" she handed him the coat not certain if he remebered the kiss, she did, like her first flight. "Are you going to the weyr? For the hatching? Vannea wants to get back for it" She told him hoping he would say yes. The though of leaving him in a town somewhere was unbearable.
She sat by him wandering if he was okay, maybe she had gone to far, she bit her lip.

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