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Date Posted: 05:56:00 09/16/05 Fri
Author: Luke
Subject: He scoffed playfully heading into the kitchen. "If you wanted romance stuff you married the wrong twin." Logan was more the thoughtful sort, did all sorts of romantic gestures, Seb was the same way. Him and Tommy were the cocky one's who got all the girls by their attitudes alone. "Um, how about garlic lemon chicken?" He questioned, peeking into the fridge to see if they had lemon juice. "Actually, on second thought, lets marinate it in tequila." It actually made great chicken, made it all tendery and yummy.
In reply to: Leah 's message, "The stars align for you and me tonight" on 20:49:55 09/15/05 Thu

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  • She let out a playfully exasberated sigh and stretched out on the couch, turning her head to watch him in the kitchen from where she lay "Damn...I knew I went wrong somewhere... you got Logans number?" She grinned playfully and picked herself up, heading into the kitchen behind him. She let her hands slide upto his chest affectionately and pressed a kiss to his neck from behind him before moving to lean back against the counter, watching him. "You've had your romantic moments..." His proposal being the highlight of it all. (NT) -- Leah, 13:14:51 09/16/05 Fri

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