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Date Posted: 21:53:01 09/17/05 Sat
Author: Leah
Subject: She let out a soft sigh and wound her arms a little tighter around his neck, letting her lips brush his before she just rested her forehead agaionst his "I know... but weekends are family days... its the only time we can all be together all day and do stuff... I wanna still be able to spend time with you." She sighed and ducked her head down into his neck "My qualifications aren;t going to fade away.... And I think Alex needs me here... "
In reply to: Leah 's message, "The stars align for you and me tonight" on 20:49:55 09/15/05 Thu

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  • He pursed his lips, his brow furrowed before he nodded. "Just make sure you think it all through, weigh all the pro's and con's and all that." He stated, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "Alex could always stay with our parents you know? It's not like he would be by himself..." He wasn't playing for either side, he was just playing the devils advocates, making sure that she had looked at all the options and twists and turns of the decision she had to make - it was a pretty big one. (NT) -- Luke, 21:59:40 09/17/05 Sat

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