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Date Posted: 01:41:08 02/12/07 Mon
Author: Leah
Subject: She smiled as he told her to stay sat down, her bright eyes lingering over him appreciatively as he went to get himself seconds, the love and affection clear as day in them. It hadn;t taken long for them to get their sexual relationship back after either of the babies- he didn;t give her the oppertunity to get self conscious about her wieght and he always knew just what to do to get her in the mood- besides which they had a long history of being extremely sexually attracted to each other- even for the couple of years they had been broken up- she;d hardly been able to stay in the same room with him even then without wanting to tear his clothes of. Leah shook her head a little as he asked if anything was going on "Nope.. you have no plans with the guys or anything? We could always have an early night..." She grinned a little, arching a brow to him curiously.
In reply to: Leah 's message, "***" on 22:22:36 02/11/07 Sun

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  • "Nope, no boys tonight. Adam got yelled at by his girl - so he claims - for going out twice in one week but I don't think Nattie could yell at Hitler, she's to sweet. I think he was just missing his girl and felt dumb admitting it." He grinned lightly. "...and Colden can't drink two nights in a row, he gets hangovers to bad." He shrugged a bit, smirking as he finished off his food and stood up, taking the plates to the sink and rinsing them before putting them in the dishwasher. "I am going to give Alex his bath, he's trashed...then maybe we should pack 'em off for the night...did my dad mention them doing anything tonight?" (NT) -- Luke, 01:56:53 02/12/07 Mon

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