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Date Posted: 22:44:07 02/14/07 Wed
Author: Luke
Subject: He shifted to stand up, his lounge pants hanging low on his leans his and his chest bare. Within a few steps, he swung his boy up into his arms and placed a kiss to his cheek before he stepped out into the living room, smiling slowly at his wife. She was so gorgeous it amazed him sometimes, it took his breath away. He was a lucky man and he knew that, though he didn't think he told her that he knew that quite often enough. A small sweet kissed bestowed on her lips as he ran his hand down over her hair, still holding his son on his hip before grinned at his squealing little girl. Everything was turning out so well in their lives, better than he could have ever hoped. "I am going to start dinner soon." He stated, the meal was a bit complicated so it would take a couple of hours to cook, probably getting ready about 5:30 or so since it was almost three then. He shifted Alex on his hips, the little boy was seriously attached to his neck at the moment.
In reply to: Leah 's message, ">>" on 22:10:47 02/14/07 Wed

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