Subject: "Friendly...pah," was the sentiment most foward in Star's mind. |
Star Chaser
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Date Posted: 09:16:37 02/16/03 Sun
In reply to:
's message, "Ooc" on 06:38:20 02/16/03 Sun
[Awfully sorry, by the way, that I've been so slow in replying. I was sick most of the week, and not in much mood to stumble the three steps from my bed to my computer and type out a coherent response. Hopefully, I'm on the mend now and should be more active.]
He eyed the stallion with only a small semblance of interest, the close proximity of this human was a much bigger concern. John's immediate arrival was rewarded with a wary snort and quick stride backwards, but Star was not going to be easily goaded away from Daylite. Inwardly, he kicked and screamed with frustration, but the outward sense of calm had a dampening effect on his rage. That detestable two legger had, at least, dropped his stinging weapons. With another, more concentrated, huff, Star made up for lost ground by promptly striking out at the general area of John's vulnerable leg (assuming here, that he is straddling the fence, being the only way I can concieve that he would be able to keep an adequate amount of attention upon both mare and stallion).
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