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Date Posted: 19:49:26 09/09/03 Tue
Author: Diane Cadeau

SALES LIST (updated 09/09/03)



Breyer simple English saddle $10.00

Breyer Jumper/hunter? Saddle $12.00

TRADITIONAL SIZE (Breyer/Plastic unless otherwise noted)

Appaloosa Performance Horse mold:

Body, stripped, traces of paint remain, $15.00

Aristocrat Hackney mold:

Body, stripped, repaired/pinned leg $16.00

Belgian (not Roy) mold:

CM solid black w/blue tail ribbon, Glossy finish, ok shelf piece or body, $18.00

Big Ben mold:

Double Exposure, Glossy Grulla, JAH Special Run 3000, w/SM NEW $95.00 (coming Nov)

Black Stallion traditional mold:

THE Black Stallion, #401, Black w/tan hooves1981-88, VG cond, $18.00

Blue Ribbon Horse:

Leopard Appaloosa, body/shelf cond. $6.00

Buckshot mustang mold:

Strawberry Fizz, Red Roan, 1998 Spring Show Special, New in Box w/certif, $24.00

Cantering Welsh Pony CWP mold:

Hunter Show Pony, bay w/checkerboard clip, #1174, Ex. cond. $20.00

Body, stripped, missing hind leg and chipped eartips, $6.50

Cigar Thoroughbred mold:

Mint Julep, Dpl Gray, QVC SR 2002, LE 1500, signed w/base, mint in box, $84.00

Nosferatu, 2002 Halloween Horse LE w/bat montage, NIB, $70.00

Cody Ranch Horse mold:

Buster, Buckskin Paint/pinto, #749, 1999-2001, New in Box, $25.00

Cody, Bay, #471, 1999-2000, Good cond. $22.00

Deer Family set:

Buck, Doe, Fawn, set #3123 in 80's yellow picture box, like new, $30.00

Family Arabian mare mold:

Body, no breaks, $9.00 (stripped $11.00)

Family Arabian Stallion:

Body, stripped, 3 broken legs (pieces included), $4.00

Five Gaiter mold:

Bay Pinto, JC Penney 1996 Special Run, Very Good cond. $25.00

Valiant Bey, Glossy Bay, Toys R Us 2001 Special Run, EX/VG $28.00

First Frost, JAH 2002 Special Run of 3000, pearly white/gray/creme, NIB $65.00

Foundation Stallion mold:

Appaloosa Champion, #967, 1996-97, Semi-leopard w/apron face, VG cond. $25.00

Gem Twist mold:

CM Body, repo'd to gallop, mane removed, broken hoof (included), stripped $18.00

Halflinger mold:

Snowball Christmas Pony 1997, Mid-year Special Run, VG (no tack, no box) $40.00

Horses International 1984-85 SR of 1000, Chestnut w/gray M/T, EX/VG, $28.00

Chestnut Pinto, Country Store 1990-91 SR of 900, EX/VG cond, $30.00

Scat cat, roan leopard appaloosa, children's pony, #883, Good cond. $15.00

Halla mold:

Flea Bit Gray, from JC Penney 1989 SR Equestrian set, Good cond. $27.00

Hanoverian mold (in extended trot):

Art Deco Dressage Horse, Black pinto, JC Penney Special Run 1995, VG $40.00

Hartland woodgrain 5 gaiter mold (wrapped tail):

Body, seam crack along mane, no other breaks, $9.00

Huckleberry Bey Arabian Stallion mold:

Huckleberry Bey, Shaded bay, #472, New In box $25.00

Ideal Amercan Quarter Horse mold:

Leo, #948, 1996, Chestnut, Good/VG cond. $30.00

Go Man Go, #721, 1998, Roan, Very Good cond. $24.00 (w/photocopy reg form)

Go Man Go, #721, 1998, Roan, Very Good cond. $25.00 (w/original paperwork)

John Henry mold:

Cree Horse Naytukskie-kukatos, #961, 1996 Jul-Dec, blue cords, VG cond $25.00

Jumper over Stone Wall aka Jumping Horse mold:

Bay, #300, 1965-1988, includes wall, shelf cond. $20.00

Body, repaint, includes wall, $22.00 (or stripped $25.00)

Justin Morgan mold:

Justin Morgan, bay, #65, 1977-89, Good cond, $16.00

Lady Phase QH mare mold:

Black Leopard, Family Appaloosa mare, #860, 1992-94, VG cond $38.00

Missouri Fox Trotter/ Iron Metal Chief mold:

Shaded Bay, #769, Missouri Foxtrotter, Ex. cond. in box, $22.00

Misty Chincoteague pony mold:

Jingles, 2001 Christmas pony w/harness & sleigh, New in box $35.00 (have 2)

Misty's Twilight mold:

Misty's Twilight, Chestnut Pinto, Good cond. $18.00

Morgan (stretched) mold:

Show Stance Morgan #831, 1990-91, Chestnut, Exc cond $25.00

Morganglanz mold:

Swedish Warmblood, Palomino, 1996 JC Penney Special Run, Exc cond $22.00

Northlight Company Morgan Horse (resin):

Black with hind socks, very pretty, VG/EX cond. $36.00

Old Timer mold:

Body, no breaks, stripped, no hat $17.00

Peruvian Paso mold NEW:

Causin a Commotion, buckskin, JAH SR 2003, NEW & SOLD OUT $75.00 (coming soon)

Pluto the Lipizzaner mold:

Pluto the Lipizzaner, #475, white/gray shading, 91-95, Good condition $25.00

Proud Arabian Foal mold:

Semi-gloss, wild spatter dapple gray, #220, VG/EX cond. $15.00

Proud Arabian Mare mold:

Karma Gypsy, Pinto, #948, fair/shelf cond. $18.00

Wild spatter dapple gray semi-gloss, #215, VG/EX cond. $30.00

Body, no breaks $16.00 (stripped $18.00)

Body, some changes made to face and legs, no breaks $14.00 (stripped $17.00)

Proud Arabian Stallion mold:

Semi-gloss, wild spatter dapple gray, #213, GD/VG hoofs scuffed $30.00

Quarter Horse Gelding mold:

Apricot Dun Pinto, SR 1999 JC Penney, Very Good cond, $24.00

Body, no breaks, stripped $16.00

Body, 1 chipped ear stripped $14.00

Quarter Horse yearling mold:

Thunder Bay, very dark bay, #927, repaired eartip otherwise VG cond. $15.00

Body, no breaks, $15.00 (or stripped for $17.50)

Roemer dutch warmblood mold:

Roemer, chestnut brown, #465, 1990-93, Very Good cond, w/box $22.00

Roy Belgian drafter mold:

Roy, Chestnut, #455, Very Good cond. $20.00

Rugged Lark mold:

Rugged Lark QH, lt bay, #450, 89-99, sm barrel rub, still nice $16.00 (stripped $18.00)

Running foal mold:

Body, no breaks, stripped/unpainted $12.00

Running mare mold:

Bay, #124, 1961-87, fair/Shelf cond. $15.00

Running stallion mold:

Body, stripped, $18.00

Saddlebred Weanling ASBW mold:

Kentuckiana, #915, Dark dapple chestnut, 1995-96, Excellent cond. $22.00

Bay Pinto, Sears SR 1992 Future Champions set, w/halter and doll, VG/EX cond $45.00

Burnt Sienna, Red Roan, #982, good/shelf cond, sm rub $16.00 (or stripped $19.00)

San Domingo mold:

San Domingo, #67, Chestnut Medicine Hat Pinto, 1978-87, Fair/Shelf cond. $18.00

Oxydol Rodeo Appaloosa, no spot white appy, #917, In Box, Exc. cond. $25.00

Dakotah Indian Horse Lightning Waykinyan, dun pinto, #991, 1997, VG cond $28.00

Blanket Appaloosa, Gray, #703, 1988-89, Very Good cond. $30.00

Sham Prancing Arabian mold:

Body, stripped, no breaks but plastic is rough from stripping $18.50

Shire mold:

Monarch, Glossy Honey Bay, #1210 Collectors Edition, VG/Exc cond. $25.00

Silver Rearing mold (new):

Lone Ranger's Silver, White, #574, New in box with video, $38.00

Strawberry Fields, Breyerfest Tent SR, Old time red roan color, NEW $100.00

Spanish Barb (porcelain traditional):

Leandro, Gray, JC Penney SR 2003, LE 1000 made, NEW in box $175.00

Stock Horse Mare mold:

Body, missing front leg, stripped $6.50

Stock Horse Stallion mold:

Buckskin, body/shelf cond, some light rubs, still nice $15.00 (or stripped $18.00)

Stone, Peter, Rearing "Trouble" mold:

Sorrel/Chestnut, semi-gloss, #9675, 1997, Very Good cond $24.00

Touch of Class mold:

Lt Gray w/black points, JCP Special Run 1997, VG/EX cond. $24.00

Rox Dene, Dapple Gray, #952, 1996-98, Very Good cond. in box $21.00

Trakehner mold:

Hanover Trakehner, Bay, #54, Good cond. $18.00

Western Horse mold (traditional):

Body, stripped, no breaks, stripped includes chain reins, no saddle $16.00

Plastic saddle for western horse, stripped, no breaks, $10.00

Zippo Pine Bar QH WPH mold:

Zippo Pine Bar, Red Chestnut, #466, New in Box $25.00

Shakopee, Gray Appy, Mid-Year SR of 2500, Mid States 2002, NIB $42.00 (have 2)


Andalusian Mare mold:

Body, no breaks, $10.00 (or stripped $13.00)

Black Beauty mold:

Black Beauty, from BB family #3040, Good/shelf piece cond. $9.00

Blue Roan QH, #641, 1999-2000, Good/shelf piece cond. $9.00

Kelso mold:

Kelso, dark bay (no socks variation), #601, 1975-1990, Good/VG cond. $15.00

Body, no breaks, $10.00

Body, stripped, no breaks $12.00

Mesteno Messenger Kiger Mustang Stallion mold (standing):

Sacred Medicine Hat Stallion w/gray wolf, WalMart SR set #750202 New in Box $20.00

Might Tango mold:

Might Tango, Dapple Gray, from USET Team set #3035, 1980-91, VG/EX cond. $14.00

Rearing Stallion classic size mold:

Body, stripped, no breaks, $12.50

Silky Sullivan mold:

Silky Sullivan, #603, 1975-90, Exc. cond. $13.00


Arabian stallion, pinto, good cond. $3.00


Seabiscuit #5179 Chestnut pinto, VG/EX cond $3.00

Seabiscuit mold Sears1998 SR Black Pinto, VG/EX cond $4.00

Thoroughbred Racehorse, Silky Sullivan mold, Black #5177, VG cond. $3.00

JCP/Sears SR grulla dun, Silky Sullivan mold, rub on barrel, $2.50

Thoroughbred mare, #5028, black, VG cond. $4.00

Little Red Stable set, w/Buckskin Appy & Spotted mule, #59197 New in box $22.00

QVC Silver Cup II blue box only w/Silver trophy (no certificate no models) $5.00

Shipping in US is $4.00 to $6.00 for the first large model and $1.00 to $3.00 for each additional model. Classics, foals, and Smaller models will be less. Insurance is extra.

Shipping to Canada is slightly higher depending on method and number of models.

Shipping to other countries I would have to calculate.

I accept Paypal and Money Orders,

ebay I.D. farnorth2002 and farnorth4

Diane Cadeau

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