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Date Posted: 18:41:29 09/12/03 Fri
Author: Laura
Subject: Updated Sales List!

Everything is from a smoke free home! Prices DO NOT include shipping-all offers considered. MO’s, personal checks (held 2 weeks) accepted Thanks for looking! Write for pictures, LH

*Leather, various colors and piece sizes $10

*Cloth/Costume supplies Traditional/Classic scale $5

*Silver costume beads, Traditional scale $1

*Stablemate scale split rail fence $5

*red Traditional scale ladder $1

*Stablemate scale Arabian halter $4

*Stablemate scale plastic western tack FREE w/ LSASE!

*Novice LSQ Simple custom hand painted Stablemate scale black NM ASB by LH $25

*Open LSQ proven Airbrushed custom Stablemate silver grulla NM QH $40 by J?

*unshown Simple custom hand painted in oils Stablemate scale blue/black OM Arab Stallion $25 by Wendy Williamson

*Novice LSQ proven Airbrushed custom Stablemate scale chocolate sorrel NM Morgan $30 by ?

*H-R 80’s Red Dun Seabiscuit on base $15

*H-R 90’s Bay Clydesdale mini on base $10

*Traditional scale Dark Brown 2-Ear Western Bridle and Breast collar, Novice LSQ $20 or TRADE for LSQ Dark Mahogany Western Bridle

*Pre-sell Causin’ A Commotion JAH SR Buckskin Paso, taking offers over $50 or TRADE for Double Exposure (BB only), Skullduggery, Odyssey, TRU Cappucino, Stone Arabs, etc!

*Pre-sell Merry Widow, taking offers over $75 or TRADE for Cass ‘O Nova, Nakiva, Padron’s Psyche, Kris Kringle, etc!

*Sgt. Pepper light version for TRADE, MINT Strawberry Fields or Leandro ONLY

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