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Date Posted: 04:22:09 08/19/02 Mon
Author: Becky Cullen
Subject: Butterfly Field Trip Results

A group of eight TNA members gathered at Oak Openings Metropark Sunday morning, August 18th for an unofficial retry of our rained-out butterfly walk. The weather cooperated this time and we came up with a good list of the flying beauties. I think everyone was able to learn
something from each other. I, for one, was delighted to discover that as a group, we TNAers have quite a combined knowledge about butterflies. If one person didn?t know how to identify a particular species, another person did. One thing we learned is that not everyone, including the
writers of the field guides, can agree on the names of some of the species. We will have to work on that communications snafu. In all, 19 species were identified including 4 of the dreaded skippers. A stop by Farnsworth Metropark on my way home gave me number 20 for the day, my lifer hackberry emperor. Areas of Oak Openings where we searched for butterflies were the Girdham Road sand dunes, the nearby bike trail, and the Lou Campbell Preserve. Species seen
on the field trip were:

Leonard?s Skipper (aka Leonardus Skipper)
European Skipper
Peck?s Skipper (aka Yellowpatch Skipper)
Silver-spotted Skipper
Pearl Crescent (aka Pearly Crescentspot)
Clouded Sulphur (aka Common Sulphur)
Orange Sulphur (both orange and white forms)
Cabbage White
Eastern Tailed Blue
Spicebush Swallowtail
Tiger Swallowtail
Eastern Black Swallowtail
Red Admiral
Comma (aka Eastern Comma)
American Copper
Great Spangled Fritillary
Aphrodite Fritillary

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