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Date Posted: 11:28:32 09/21/02 Sat
Author: Becky Cullen
Subject: Biking for Wildflowers Field Trip Results

A beautiful fall morning greeted 6 wildflower enthusiasts on 9/21/02 when they met leaders Susan Muenzer, Nancy Bucher and Cathy Dollman at Oak Openings Metropark to bike and walk the trails in search of fall wildflowers. Approximately 75 species of flowers, ferns, grasses and sedges were seen during the 2.5 hours, 6.5 miles ride through the park. The leaders were very well prepared having scouted the area the previous week. Some of the more interesting species seen were Ladies' Tresses, Lizard's Tail, Sweet Fern, Bracken Fern, Sweet Everlasting, 3 kinds of Goldenrod, White snakeroot, 4 kinds of asters, 2 kinds of Blazing Star, Mountain Mint and Sourwood Tree. Susan did an excellent job pointing out the differences between all the grasses so that even I might remember which is which next time I go looking at them.

In between flower stops, we also looked at a few butterflies (I managed to identify 11 species), checked out a few hawks flying over (one Broad-winged and a pair of Cooper's were seen) and listened to two Yellow-billed Cuckoos calling from the woods. Birds in general were rather scarce with blue jays and red-headed woodpeckers being the most visible.

It was a beautiful day to be outdoors enjoying nature. The trip was fun, educational and well worth the exercise. Thanks bunches to our three well-prepared and knowledgeable leaders.

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