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Date Posted: Monday, January 04, 10:42:39am
Author: BJ
Subject: Re: How to Keep from Being Deceived
In reply to: Louis Shammah 's message, "Re: Ignorance No Guarantee Against Demons" on Monday, January 04, 10:11:09am

How to Keep from Being Deceived
When someone is born again and becomes a spiritual person, that person enters into the realm of the supernatural and spiritual. He should begin his new life with a study of the Bible to see what it teaches and how he should walk and how to conduct spiritual warfare. If he neglects to be on guard and fails to be aggressive against satanic powers, he is liable to be defeated by them. There is nothing to be afraid of if one lives a conscientious Christian life by reading the Bible and praying daily and by living in the Spirit according to light received from God's Word (Col. 2:6-8; Gal. 5:16-26; Rom. 8:1-13; 1 Jn. 1:7). One should get up every morning and pray and have faith in God's help through the day. He should always meditate on the Scriptures and refuse to do anything that might be contrary to the known will of God as the Bible teaches and there will be no danger of being deceived.
We must learn not to believe anything concerning spiritual and eternal things unless it is explicitly stated in Scripture or is in harmony with them. It matters not if it comes from the best ministers in the land or from an angel from Heaven. It should be judged by what the Bible says before it is accepted as truth. We must learn to judge every impression, revelation, dream, vision or sermon. The possibility of deception should keep everyone on guard and open to testing everything by the Bible (2 Tim. 2:15; 3:15-17).btu

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