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Date Posted: Monday, January 04, 01:07:10pm
Author: BJ
Subject: Re: How to Detect the Manifestations of the Holy Spirit
In reply to: BJ 's message, "Re: How to Keep from Being Deceived" on Monday, January 04, 10:42:39am

How to Detect the Manifestations of the Holy Spirit
The true manifestation of the Holy Spirit will be earmarked by the following clear–cut rules and Christian principles:
(1) A Christ–like spirit of love, patience, and faith in God (Gal. 5:21-22).
(2) Soberness and keenness of spirit vision (2 Tim. 1:7; 1 Cor.12:1-11).
(3) Deep humility of heart and meekness of spirit, with lion–like courage against sin, sickness, poverty, disease, discouragement, failure, and every other thing that could cause defeat in the Christian life (Acts 1:8; 10:38; Rom. 8:1-13; Gal. 5:16-26).
(4) Absolute clearness of the mental faculties in intelligent action to carry out Bible instructions concerning known duty and personal life as a Christian (1 Cor. 14:32; 2 Tim. 1:7).
(5) Freedom from all fault–finding, surmising, whispering, or slander to anyone, and freedom from all the works of the flesh that are listed in Rom. 1:29-32; 1 Cor. 6:9-11; Gal. 5:19-21; Mk. 7:19-21.
(6) The lack of a condemning and judging spirit, or a desire to hurt anyone by thought, word or deed. All should be done for the edification and betterment of all concerned and in accord with the golden rule (1 Cor. 13; Eph. 4:22-32; 5:1-18).
(7) Freedom from ignorance concerning the divine will at the moment. When one is moved upon to act quickly and urgently without knowing whether the act will glorify God or not, it will be best to wait and pray until it is clear beyond all doubt that God wants such action. If it is God who is moving a person to action, it will not insult Him to try the spirit and intelligently judge whether the proposed act is biblical or not, for God commands this kind of judgment on our part (1 Jn. 4:1-6). If it is God, the individual can wait until he is assured by God before he acts. He should wait like Gideon of old, who sought two impossible signs before he knew and acted upon the will of God. However, one must not be guided entirely by so–called fleeces (or the random opening of the Bible for some verse to show God's will). He must judge all “fleeces” by the Word of God and wait until he knows it is God asking him to do something. All acts of God will be primarily for the liberation of men from sin, for the deliverance of the body from pain, sickness, and want, or for some other good thing that someone needs to have done for him (Acts 10:38). The work of the devil tends to blind, cause sin, discouragement, lack of faith, and failure (Jn. 10:10).btu

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