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Date Posted: Thursday, December 31, 11:12:26pm
Author: Louis Shammah (By The Truth And Sell It Not)
Subject: Facade's

There are so many fallacies in the world no wonder it is hard to recognize the truth when it is right before our eye's. Paul said when he was a child he thought as a child. I go back to my first grade when I first learned 2+2=4. How is it possible that the world does not see that God has blessed America.
This is the greatest country that has ever been. That is just plaing good ole buying the truth and selling it not. Why do third world countries have difficulty in seeing that. Yet, Islam teaches white men are devils. \
Not only that, but how is it that anyone in their right mind would ever admit to being an atheist? Thats like saying. "I believe this all started out of nothing. and all of a sudden there came into being substance and here we are. That thinking is not even equal to first grader's thinking.
But the last thing that bumfussels me is why do people wear facade's? Why is it that people want you to believe you are something you aren't. And whats the purpose in stringing out hiding what you really are for such a long time? I have never been ashamed of what I am. Nor have I ever tried to hide what I have been to make people believe I was something I was not. I just don't understand why people do this.
And youknow what? I've read jsut about as much wisdom as everyone else I have come in contact with and sometimes it jsut gets to feel like regurgitation of the same ole same ole. And there are a lot of people that c&p articles that must fill their intellectual palate, but that gets to be phoney after awhile. Why can't people just be themselves?
I got into a conversation with a shrink one time and he put in my report that I didn't want people to think I was uneducated becasue I mentione a lot of books I'd read and the people that impressed me. I gave a lot of thought to that. I alter changed from talking about all the books I'd read and the great minds I'd read and began to giv honor where honor was due and that was to the saints ond the church and preachers. You can imagine all the agreement I got out of that. When in reality they are the only one's that are due any honor in the first place. They are the one's who, Pro 23:23 Buy the truth, and sell [it] not; [also] wisdom, and instruction, and understanding. This is jsut some of the questions I have asked myself since I started posting on these forum. Louis

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