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Date Posted: Friday, January 01, 06:07:18pm
Author: Louis Shammah (Church)
Subject: And, I do not understand people who

Will sit in front of a T.V. and watch someone that they do not know what they teach and make bad comments about folks who are faithful to a church just because they don't agree with their theoloogy. Thats sort like speaking out of both sides of the mouth if you ask me.
I also disagree with people that are supposed to be very intelligent when they are picky about who they defend. There are people on the forums that have backslid from church and the only ones they evr disagree with are those that they disagreed with theologically. Never disagreeing with those who held the same theology when they went to church.
Most T.V. evangelist are trinitarians. I read it took $60,000.00 dollars to make a convert over the T.V. when it only takes a few dollars to reach people one on one. Talk about being responsible with the Lords money! Sending money to a preacher that a person does not know is not scriptual. You are supposed to suppport the man who God has put over you.
And, the scriptures do not teach if you "accept Christ" you are saved. Nor does it teach going down to the alter, shaking the preachers hand saves you. The only way teh Bible teaches one must be saved is in Act :38. Which most trinitarian preachers reject.
Thats plain Bible language, and should be given serious consideration. Louis

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