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Date Posted: Sunday, January 10, 09:52:27pm
Author: BJ
Subject: Modern Believers

If early believers actually experienced and enjoyed blessings, why can't modern believers? Does not God still love us? Does He not have the same power today? Do we not need these benefits today as in the first century? Are the promises still the same? Has God changed His program? Has He withdrawn His promises? Has He ceased to make provision for men today as He made in days gone by? Is He a respecter of persons? Where in Scripture does it say that these things are not for us today? Where does it say that God has changed His mind and has done away with His provision for all men who will dare believe?
There is not one hint in the Bible that God has done away with the blessings of the early believers. This is a theory of modern unbelieving men who would rather manufacture doctrines of unbelief to excuse their own weakness and lack of power than to face the plain facts and put forth some effort to meet the conditions that will enable them to attain to these benefits.

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