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Subject: Attack on Champ

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Date Posted: 05:17:51 01/10/02 Thu

Big Poppa Pump is in his locker room. Drinking some coffe with his Hardcore title around his shoulder. Then suddenly somebody busts in its Vampiro with a ref. Vampiro takes a chair and smacks it over Big poppa pump’s head. Big poppa pump falls down Vampiro starts stomping on him. Vampiro throws the chair on the floor and then bashes Big poppa pumps head against it several times.
Vampiro starts trash talking. Vampiro then takes the Hardcore title belt and waits for Big poppa pump to get up. When he does He sweings at him with the title belt, but Big Poppa pump ducks and suplexs Vampiro on the concrete floor. He goes for the pin 1-2-Kick out. Steiner gets mad and puts
Vampiro in the Steiner recliner, Vampiro low blows, Big poppa Pump falls down,Vampiro grabs Steiners neck and Attempts a choke slam.He excutes it. But doesn’t go for the pin. He shoves
Steiner into to the chair again. And drop kicks his face into the standing chair.
Vampiro then turns around and accidently elbows the referee, And doesn’t notice it so he pins
Steiner and nobody counts he gets irate, Leaves the locker room to find another referee. He gets back and sees Steiner swing with a chair at him but Steiner missed and Vampiro speared Steiner.
Vampiro folds a chair. Throws it on the Ground and Does a Pile driver on the chair!!! He goes for the pin the ref starts counting 1—2--

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Subject Author Date
Re: Attack on ChampChristian15:33:16 01/10/02 Thu
Re: Attack on Champ By VampiroEric Bishoff21:42:12 01/10/02 Thu

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