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Subject: Re: Attack on Champ

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Date Posted: 15:33:16 01/10/02 Thu
In reply to: Vampiro 's message, "Attack on Champ" on 05:17:51 01/10/02 Thu

As the 3 is about to go down Christian runs in and kicks Vampiro in the back of the head vampiro is getting up and Christian runs out of the area, Vampiro chases him to about 5 foot down the hall and hits him from behind, he takes advantage of this by throwing him into a nearby pop machine, as Christian comes bouncing off the pop machine he throws him in the wall knocking Christian unconsious, just then a pop rolls out from the machine, vampiro picks it up and drinks it down, Then Scott Steiner runs down with a lead pipe and smacks vampiro in the back with it, he keeps on beating him repeaditly and then pins vampiro again 1--2--Kickout, Steiner gets back up and beats Vampiro some more, he takes the lead pipe and wraps it around Vampiros neck and does a Steiner Recliner with the bar around his neck Christian is getting up and before Vampiro can tap out Christian breaks the hold with a bulldog, he runs up the hall and Steiner follows him christian stops in his tracks and steiner about 10 foot behind is still charging, as Steiner is right at him, he goes for a clothesline but Christian moves out of the way and Steiner towers through the glass windown in front of him, The blood is rushing out of all sides of Steiner as CHristian goes through the door that luckily is labeled WCW Officials, Christian pushes one of the referees and pins Scott the referee counts 1---2---

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Re: Attack on ChampRoad dog18:53:18 01/17/02 Thu

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