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Date Posted: 19:14:50 05/13/00 Sat
Author: Super Crash BP
Subject: Super Crash is gonna kick some ASS at the WTW Rumble!!! Team WTW and Lost Soul READ!!!

(The lights go out and the crowd looks to see who it could be. Super Crash BP is written in bright red letters on the big screen and everybody knows whats coming next. BANG!!! fireworks explode and shoot to the ceiling as Super Crash stands in the entrance with a mic.)

Super Crash BP: I came out here for one reason and one reason only. The WTW Rumble is less than two weeks away, and Super Crash BP is in the best damn shape of his whole career!!! When the lights go out and the music blasts over the speakers, and Super Crash comes running down that ramp, everybody in the WTW will feel the bang of the Crash Crunch and The Crash Splash!!! Now onto Team WTW and it's no talent crappy ass wrestlers!! You come out here and say your gonna win all the titles in the WTW. Thats the biggest bunch of bullshit I have ever heard!!! You obviously have a long way to go because oyu have got two talented young wrestlers in Phatt Matt S. and Lost Soul!! But make one thing for certain, when all the smoke is cleared and Super Crash has thrown all of the wrestlers over the top, then whoever is the WTW World champ at that time better watch his back. Because Super Crash BP is gonna be kicking ass and taking names!!! And there is one more thing I would like to address, and that is the tag titles. Lost Soul, seeing as how you are looking for a partner, and I'm looking to kick Team WTW's ass, what would you say about me being your partner against Evil and his bitch for the tag titles this coming Total Tues!!! I know that we are two completely different wrestlers and people, but I think that we could could clean house in the WTW and walk away the champs at TT!! Think about it a little and tell me what you think.

(Super Crash climbs out of the ring and walks back up the ramp and into the back area to the sounds of American Bad Ass by Kid Rock. There in the back he awaits the decision of Lost Soul.)

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