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Date Posted: 19:28:08 05/13/00 Sat
Author: Lost Soul
Subject: Lost Soul speeks

(the lights go off over the crowd. No one knows who it could be, because of all the newcomers coming into this fed. Powerman5000 hits the speekers. Then all of the lights turn red. Then some of the fans that have ben in other feds know who it is. This man comes walking out of the locker room. Both hands behind his back with a mic. He is wearing all black and even black sunglass. His name Lost Soul. He walks to the ring looking at all of the fans that are there and starts to think. he steps into the ring and turns the mic on. the crowd starts to cheer for what this man is doing.)

Lost Soul: Super Crash BP.. I like you. I like the way you think and wrestle. And i am ready to kick some WTW @ss. So why don't me and you tag up like you said and kick some @ss. Now to Team WTW well... Your time here is growing short. And the time is know that you know that a stable in this fed is a bad idea. And we will take on any of you member. but wait a second. i have a idea.

There is one more person that wants to get into this and that is Iceman. Lets say Iceman Super Crash, and me, Lost Soul team up to go agenst 3 members of the team WTW, and if we win Super Crash and Iceman get a chance at the Tag TEam Titles at the PPV. I already have gold and i want you two to fell what it fells like to have gold around your waste. What do you think about that!!!

WTW stable now you are on my hit list and you are all going to fell the bang of the Soul Rever. GAme Over for you.

(Lost Soul waits in the back to see what Super Crash and Iceman will say about what he thought.)

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