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Date Posted: 05:12:15 05/16/00 Tue
Author: Phat Matt Spratt
Subject: 3-way Tag Team Championship Match at the Rumble???

(Spratty storms into the locker room where other wrestlers on the roster are sitting around talking.)

Listen Up Everyone!!!

(Spratty has demanded attention and received it, Team WTW, Madd Maxx Kodiak especially, are looking a little scared!)

Evil and Brad "The Booty" Cheeseburger have made it clear that they want to make their tag belts up for grabs at the rumble. That sounds just super dooper to the Phat One!

The Vipester and the Trumpster are gonna show up to the WTW Rumble and show the world that they have what it takes to make it in the tag division as well.

So Evil, Cheeseburger, your sorry a**es to the Rumble, but make sure your sorry a**es have those belts around them.

And to that new stable, SCBP, Iceman, LS, I must say that I love the name ".......", Just rolls off the tongue don't ya think!

Well whatever your called, bring your a**es to the Rumble so we can have twice the fun and so you can have double the trouble!

And, MMK, don't you worry, I'll be cheering for ya at the Rumble. Now I must say that I don't like to beat up mental patients and such, but in this case I'll make an exception. MMK, if you win the Rumble then I'll be dancing to a special Slamfest "tune in june" for you!

So, the card as it looks.....

1- 3-way tag match, Me+Viper vs Evil+Bro vs other guys
2- The Rumble, Everybody on the roster, including the guys in the tag match, everyone that is, except ME!!!


(Spratty turns around to walk out, but then stops and says...)

Oh, and if you try to do anything about that...

Well... You know the rest,

Boo ya

(Spratty walks out leaving the room of wrestlers stunned, and feeling lucky that they weren't harmed!!!)

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