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Date Posted: 18:03:46 01/27/02 Sun
Author: Predator
Subject: Title Shot

: Lights fade to black:
::Gigantic red pyro blinds the crowd bringing them to their feet::
: Look in my face step in my soul, look in my face step in my soul I begin to stupify:

: Predator makes his way to the ring with a sledgehammer:

Predator: RVD, I told you I would beat you, I told you I would destroy you, and best of all I told you I would make you say those words

: Points to the titan tron as footage from Saturday’s match plays of RVD screaming I QUIT and taping out in the PROWL:

Predator: I will make this short and sweat. RVD the truth hurts but sometimes you have to hear it, the truth is I destroyed you, and the truth is that ref screwed up the entire match by saying I said I quit, we both know that didn’t happen we both know I made you tap out and now I want a rematch, Thursday I want a match for the IC belt and I will not rest till get it, the truth is the corporate team beat the SH#T out of the hardcore hell raisers, we dominated you and beat you one by one just like I said we would, I knocked edge out of the federation for good just like I said I would. Now Monday, I am going to win the Death Match Title and the Hardcore Tag Team Title, and once again I will prove that I am the most vicious fighter to ever grace the stage of this federation and now all of you f#ckers out their will show me respect, talk is cheap and Monday I will live up to my promise and show you by my actions, I will break you and your soul and win two belts…..Monday will be my day of redemption

: Predator walks up the ramp with his sledgehammer:

: Lights fade to black:
::Gigantic red pyro blinds the crowd::
: Look in my face step in my soul, look in my face step in my soul I begin to stupify:

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